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Success: The 35th CSEE 2015 PHD Forum

SUCCESS: THE 35TH CSEE 2015 PHD FORUM/ 我院“2015博士论坛35期圆满举行

Date of Publication: 12.24.15./ 发布于:2015-12-24

Author: LI Jiayu, HU Min, JIAO Bing, DAI Tongwu/ :李佳煜、胡敏、焦冰、戴同武

Editor in Charge: WANG Feng/ 责任编辑:王峰

Translator: Rosie YU Rizhen/ :余日臻

Headline from the translator:

Sure, robots made billions. But more significantly, they forced the rest of the world to reckon with the ways they reshaped the landscape...


On the evening of December 23, 7pm, the 35th CSEE 2015 PhD forum was held in Room 330 of the Software Building in the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, Hunan University. The forum was sponsored by the Hunan University Student Communist Party Work Committee, in cooperation with the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering. The forum theme was "Get Into The World Of Robots”. Guest speakers were Professor Li Zhiyong and Associate Professor An Jiyao, both from the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at Hunan University.

1223日晚上七点,由湖南大学党委学生工作部主办、信息科学与工程学院承办的第35“2015博士论坛在湖南大学软件大楼330举行。本次论坛的主题 走进机器人世界,主讲嘉宾是湖南大学信息科学与工程学院教授李智勇老师、湖南大学信息科学与工程学院副教授安吉尧老师。

The Dean of the College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering at Hunan University Dean LI Renfa opened the floor with a remarkable speech at the seminar. He stressed that artificial intelligence has become a hot research area in the world. Dean Li shared his concerns about the current state of research and development of Chinese robots as compared with that of Japan. He hopes that we can learn advanced science and technology from abroad.



Next, Professor AN Jiyao covered the variety of robots presented at Tokyo International Robot Exhibition. These included carving robots, entertainment robots, large torque handling robots, high speed walking robots and many more, showing pictures and videos which brought gasps of amazement. Professor An emphasized the trends for robot research are towards artificial intelligence and network connectivity. Then, student Huang Xuelun vividly showed the NAO robot in front of everyone, bringing the meeting atmosphere to a climax. Huang also presented a detailed introduction about the NAO robot from the structure, programming software and simulation platform. Under her guidance and operation, the NAO robot performed a famous music and dance routine with the tune “The Little Apple”. This showed the versatility and flexible movements of the NAO robot vividly.

之后,安吉尧老师以图片和视频形式为我们展示了东京国际机器人会展上的工艺雕刻机器人、娱乐机器人、超大力矩搬运机器人、高速行走机器人等,令同学们叹为观止。安吉尧老师着重强调机器人研究方向应该是智能化、网络化及实用化。紧接着,黄雪伦同学为我们带来了一场精彩的NAO机器人表演,把现场气氛带向高潮。 黄雪伦同学从结构、编程软件及仿真平台等方面对NAO机器人做了详细介绍,随后在她的操作引导下,NAO机器人为大家表演了一段小苹果舞蹈,将它的灵活性展现得淋漓尽致。

Finally, Professor LI Zhiyong wrapped up the PhD forum with video coverage of the Big Dog robot. He put forward the concept that artificial intelligence has a great role in promoting the development of economy and of society, and advocated in favor of postgraduate students choosing a topic in robotics research. He also held lively Q&A discussions with students present about such research.


This PhD Forum opened up the horizon of research possibilities to the students and stimulated the their interest. Students who attended said that they learned a lot, and were looking forward to a more exciting information from future PhD Forums.
