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中文名: 彭绍亮 英文名:
学历: 博士 职称: 教授
联系电话: 电子邮件: slpeng@hnu.edu.cn pengshaoliang@gmail.com
研究方向: 高性能计算、大数据、人工智能、生物信息、区块链、Web3.0
联系地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区国家超算长沙中心0号楼(410082)
所属机构:  智能计算系  学院教师


学习工作地点:长沙、深圳、杭州、上海、北京、郑州、桂林等。欢迎转发和推荐!简历发送和联系邮箱 slpeng@hnu.edu.cn 详情请见:https://rrx.cn/view-vm3czs







团队常年招聘博士后,每年计划招收2-3位,推荐申请国家级人才和项目。一、学校对全职博士后实行分类资助:1. 特别资助类:“博士后创新人才支持计划”、“博士后国际交流计划”(引进项目)入选者,国家资助期内学校30万元/年(含国家资助),学院和导师分别配套支持6-10万/年,1800元/月租房补贴;2. 重点资助类:学校按20万/年标准拨付人员经费,学院和导师分别配套支持6-10万/年,1800元/月租房补贴;3. 国际联合培养类:学校按20万/年标准拨付人员经费,学院和导师分别配套支持6-10万/年,外方课题组经费。二、支持保障:1. 按政策享受长沙市人才补贴(包括生活补贴和购房补贴13-20万元);在站期间学校计算工作年限,进站前无工作经历的博士后人员参加工作时间从进站之日起计算;3. 博士后期间认定副研究员指标单列;4. 学校特设“杰出博士后”奖。入选者出站后可申请事业编制教学科研岗位;5. 享受本校教师同等科研成果奖励。在站期间可在我校落户,子女享受我校教职工子女入托、入学待遇。







    National Supercomputer Center in Changsha, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China  


      School of ComputerScience, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China




           Metaverse (MET) 元宇宙, Editor-in-Chief (主编)

           International Journal of Biological Sciences (SCI期刊,IF=10.75), Executive Editors ( 执行主编)

           Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences (SCI期刊,IF=3.5) Executive Editors-in-Chief (执行主编)

           Health Information Science and Systems(SCI期刊, IF=5.02)  Associate Editors (副主编)

           International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking(IJHPCN) Editorial Board Members 

           Blockchain Research and Applications, Editorial Board Members

           CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing, Editorial Board Members

           Frontier of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,  Corresponding Expert 中国工程院院刊《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》

         《大数据》(Big Data Research,BDR),中华人民共和国工业和信息化部,编委




    2024年10月-至今,中国工商银行股份有限公司湖南省分行    科技金融战略专家


    2024年10月26日,2024 年世界生物医药与人工智能大会,大会主席和大会主题报告人

    2024年10月至今,中国生物医学工程学会-科技经济融合工作第十一届委员会  委员

    2024年出版科普专著《AIGC+元宇宙/Web3.0 100问:洞悉数字经济时代的底层技术》入选CCF第五期“科普阅读推荐图书”(10部)





      2024年7月,中国指挥与控制学会首届全国大模型与决策职能大会(CCLD 2024),杭州,元宇宙Web3.0 时代下的生成式人工智能大模型主题演讲


      2024年5月24日,中国生物信息学学会(筹)技术生物学与生物信息算法研究专委学术大会暨第二届山东省生物信息学学术大会,青岛,神农GPT:多模态药物大模型   特邀报告


       2024 15th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science,Conference Chairs



        2023年12月24日,大数据专委2023中国大数据技术大会BDTC,广州,Web 3.0时代下的健康数字孪生和电子药主题演讲

        2023年12月23日,2023年信息技术类学院院长联席会暨八桂科技讲坛,桂林,Web3.0 时代下的算力网络和人工智能应用与推断关键技术研究主题演讲


       2023年12月16日,“理工融合 创新发展”高端学术论坛,长沙,Web3.0 时代下的人工智能教育大模型主题演讲

        December 15, 2023,18th International Conference on Bioinspired Computing: Theory and Applications,Changsha,ShennongGPT: A Fine-tuning LLM Model for Medication Guidance


































            2022年9月23日-25日,第十八届全国高性能计算学术年会 (简称CCF HPCChina2022),济南,大会特邀报告


             2022年8月21日-23日,International Conference on Internet of Things, Communication and Intelligent Technology,Keynote Speaker

            2022年7月,中国计算机应用大会(CCF NCCA 2022)大会监督委员会主席


            2022年7月23日,2022未来计算机教育峰会(FCES 2022 ),苏州,论坛报告


            2022: InternationalConference on Internet of Things, Communication and Intelligent Technology (GeneralChairs大会主席), http://www.iotcit.org/committee/

            2022: 4thInternational Conference on Blockchain Technology(第四届区块链技术国际会议) (Confernece Co-Chairs 大会联合主席), http://www.icbct.org/com.html


2021.12.28: The 11th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG) ,
Symposium: Big Data Analysis and Modeling for the Brain Atlas, invited talk
        2021.12.27: CCF中国区块链技术大会(CCF CBCC2021),大会特邀报告
        2021.12.26: CCF第十一届太湖论坛——自主可控高性能与智能计算大会, 大会特邀报告


2021.11.26:ISBRA 2021 : International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Keynote Talk (第17届生物信息学研究与应用国际研讨会,大会报告)



2021:第四届区块链技术国际会议(The 2022 4th International Conference on Blockchain Technology, ICBCT 2022)大会联合主席




2021.5- 中国生物工程学会计算生物学与生物信息学专业委员会副主任 





    IEEE EDGE 2020: IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing (CCF C区国际会议) Program                        Committee

   ICPADS 2020: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (CCF C区国际会议) TPC                    Committee of the System Track











            2019: 2019世界计算机大会 "新型计算:再造数字经济活力" 论坛特邀讲者

2019: 2019 CCF青年精英大会(YEF 2019)“深度学习技术如何推动产业升级”论坛特邀讲者

2019.3-2022.3: 上海健康医学院双加应急医学救援技术研究院人工智能与超算专家

APBC 2019: The 17th Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference (CCF C区国际会议) PC Committee Chairs







2018:中国计算机学会(CCF) Young Elite Forum“科技创业秀”特邀评委


2018:HPC China 2018 第十四届全国高性能计算学术年会大会特邀演讲者





2017-至今:CCF YOCSEF总部AC委员


2017:CCF CNCC 2017“HPC+AI”论坛主席

2017:CCF CNCC 2017“第四届智能健康医疗健康论坛”论坛主席







2016:CCF 中国大数据技术大会(BDTC 2016)程序委员会主席

2016:CCF 中国大数据学术大会程序委员会副主席

2016.12-2017.12:CCF YOCSEF长沙主席








2016:IEEE-BIBM 2016-invited speaker









2024    广西科学技术奖 - 广西省科技进步二等奖 - 基于信任的“端-边-云”协同计算与服务调度关键技术与应用

2024  华为杯·第⑥届中国研究生人工智能创新大赛(2024)——AI用药助手-大模型驱动的智能用药指导系统中
2024  彭绍亮入选 全职业生涯“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”


2023  中国国际大学生创新大赛(2023)——“一针见血”智能采验与云服务领航者中荣获铜奖,指导老师
2023    2023年12月28日,经中国生物医学工程学会第十一次会员代表大会表决通过,彭绍亮同志当选中国

2023    2023年12月8日彭绍亮荣获“湖南省信息技术标准化技术委员会专家”称号

2023    2023年10月29日召开的中国计算机学会第十三届会员代表大会上,彭绍亮被选举为中国计算机学会

2023    湖南省数字化十大杰出人物
2023    湖南省“湘江榜样”封面人物(全省10名)
2023    第六届中国天鸽奖—2023年度感动人物

2023  第八届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛总决赛获“青年红色筑梦之旅”银奖,指导老师
2023  中国计算机学会2022年度CCF杰出演讲者—DSP三星讲者
2023  中国计算机学会优秀服务奖


2022  2022年09月 获得2022年中国医学人工智能大会(CMAI 2022)演讲荣誉证书

2022  第24届高交会2022世界元宇宙生态大会/第六届全球5G+VR大会  第五届天鸽奖—元宇宙领军人物奖

2022  荣获“元宇宙30人”中国元宇宙创新人物奖

2022  荣获“区块链60人”中国区块链创新人物奖
2022  第十三届湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖:双核四翼 专创融合 三全育人 数智化创新创业人才


2021 华为区块链高校大赛—最佳代码奖、最佳创意奖,指导老师彭绍亮。参赛题目:电子政务文档点对点共享
2021年度CCF科学技术奖 - 技术发明二等奖(排名第一) - 多源异构大数据智能挖掘与性能优化
2021年度全国高校人工智能大数据区块链教材建设奖“大数据类”一等奖, 《云计算与大数据技术理论及应用》


2019年度国家科学技术奖 - 国家科技进步二等奖 - 高效能异构并行调度关键技术及应用
2019年度湖南省科学技术奖 - 湖南省技术发明一等奖(排名第一) - 基于超算的大数据关键技术及应用
2019 AIIA杯人工智能巡回赛“Sophon”赛站全国总决赛 - 二等奖(湖南省赛一等奖)
“长沙银行杯”2019年湖南省创新创业大赛- 优秀奖-基于超算的人工智能家庭医生
湖南大学教学成果奖一等奖 - 面向国家战略的高性能计算创新人才培养体系构建与实践


2018年度CCF科学技术奖 - 自然科学二等奖(排名第一) - 基于超算的精准医学技术研究



2017, mD3DOCKxb:An Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Coordinated Virtual Screening Framework, 获得IEEE可扩展计算挑战赛”-Finalist


IGEM2016(国际遗传工程机器设计大赛)-金奖-Development of A NovelBlood-MicroRNA Handy Detection System


IGEM2015(国际遗传工程机器设计大赛)-单项奖-Engineering of a multi-enzymatic reaction accelerator in vivo
IGEM2015(国际遗传工程机器设计大赛)-金奖-Engineering of a multi-enzymatic reaction accelerator in vivo
ISC2015(国际超算大会)-Best Paper Candidate-Large-Scale Neo-Heterogeneous Programming and 
Optimizati-on of SNP Detection on Tianhe-2
2015, The Challenge of Scaling Genome Big Data Analysis Software on TH-2 Supercomputer, 获得IEEE可扩展计算挑战赛”-Finalist Awards;






1、 湖南省2023年度十大技术攻关项目“算力网络构建关键技术”,2023/01至2025/12,200万(1000万),


8、国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0200400 )E级计算机关键技术验证系统







湖南省自科发展基金     10631         无线传感器网络辅助下的动态数据
广州超算应用研发项目  1488064512003   基于大规模异构高性能计算系统的生物信息分析软件
国防科技大学预研项目  JC12-06-03          面向复杂系统的大规模动态数据驱动并行算法研究
广东省科技厅项目基金  2016B090918122
广州天河飞腾项目  0702060112002
银河工程项目基金  0302060112001

2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210427451.8  一种基于生成式对抗网络的基因序列插补方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210391128.X 基于图神经网络和自动编码器的抗癌药物敏感性预测方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210387736.3 一种基于多分辨率重叠注意力机制的医学影像分割方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210274125.8 基于改进蛋白质序列位置特异性矩阵的DNA结合蛋白识别方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210038022.1 一种变异数据降维输入的驴种群自然选择分类系统
2024年授权 专利号 2024100840934 一种基于SGX的区块链联邦学习方法及系统
2024年授权 专利号 2024100373388 基于超算平台的医疗数据并行集成处理方法及系统
2024年授权 专利号 202410010463X 一种基于多视图学习的miRNA-疾病关联预测方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202410010495X 一种基于多视图注意力解读细胞间主要通讯组件的方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL2024100105416 一种基于多源异构图学习的蛋白质相互作用预测方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL2024100768043 一种基于图卷积网络的多模态生理信号分析方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL202210427451.8 一种基于生成式对抗网络的基因序列插补方法
2024年授权 专利号 ZL2024100840934 一种基于SGX的区块链联邦学习方法及系统
2023年授权 专利号 ZL202111044208.X 基于卷积去噪自编码机的piRNA-疾病关联关系预测方法
2023年授权 专利号 ZL202110446165.1 基于神经网络的自然选择分类和群体规模变化分析系统
2023年授权 专利号 ZL202110865026.2 一种基于自监督图表征学习的药物重定位预测方法
2023年授权 专利号 ZL202210746181.7 一种基于隐私保护的药物相似性计算方法
2023年授权 专利号 ZL202210551138.5 一种基于联盟区块链的电子病历安全可控共享方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010803336.7 一种基于深度学习的多方位X光胸片肺炎诊断方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL201910296276.1 一种基于深度学习的基因表达谱距离度量方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202011226195.3 一种基于元路径和双向编码器的生物网络链接预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202110321988.1 一种基于多通路图卷积神经网络的药物靶标预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202110898820.7 一种基于VAE数据增强的CRISPR/Cas9脱靶预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010531562.4 一种基于深度学习多源异构网络的药物重定位方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL201910506027.0 一种基于高通量测序数据的溶源性噬菌体预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010288303.3 一种基于异构信息的药物-靶标相互作用预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010030316.0 一种基于深度学习的CRISPR脱靶效应预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010803348.X 一种基于局部有偏的蛋白质结构预测方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202110627869.9 一种基于联盟链的分布式文件存储共享系统
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202010725014.5 基于图表示学习的新冠病毒靶标预测和药物发现方法
2022年授权 专利号 ZL202110635383.X 基于深度学习的彩色图像龋病识别方法
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202110925770.7 基于spark计算引擎的高通量虚拟药物筛选方法及系统
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202111044208.X 基于卷积去噪自编码机的piRNA-疾病关联关系预测方法
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202011226196.8 一种基于网络表征的抗新冠炎症药物发现方法
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202110364101.7 一种基于区块链的主节点公平选举方法
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202010029068.8 一种基于自编码器的基因表达谱特征学习方法
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202110159089.6 一种基于人工智能的龋病诊断系统
2021年授权 专利号 ZL202011532299.7 一种基于子空间随机化单细胞集成聚类方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202011419796.6 一种基于多源数据融合和网络结构扰动的药物靶标预测方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202011299895.5 一种基于区块链技术的智慧城市路边停车管理系统
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202011226195.3 一种基于元路径和双向编码器的生物网络链接预测方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202011225115.2 一种基于全局特征关系的卷积神经网络压缩方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202010725014.5 基于图表示学习的新冠病毒靶标预测和药物发现方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202010531562.4 一种基于深度学习多源异构网络的药物重定位方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202010241653.4 一种细菌中功能性前噬菌体及其位置与序列的检测方法
2020年授权 专利号 ZL202010029057.X 一种基于注意力的卷积神经网络分频特征提取方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910970181.3 一种基于区块链的药企监管方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910539449.8 一种基于机器学习的基因表达谱聚类方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910506027.0 一种基于高通量测序数据的溶源性噬菌体预测方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910407569.2 基于RNN神经网络的可迁移病人分类系统
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910399732.5 一种基于卷积神经网络的阴道病理图像分类方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910381347.8 一种基于区块链的疫苗生产监管方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910296276.1 一种基于深度学习的基因表达谱距离度量方法
2019年授权 专利号 ZL201910296287.X 一种基于共享字典学习的基因表达谱分类方法
2018年授权 专利号 ZL201510960149.9 基于动态数据划分和冲突消解的高通量药物虚拟筛选方法
2017年授权 专利号 ZL201410745667.4 基于众核协处理器的三级流水序列比对方法
2017年授权 专利号 ZL201310343007.9 一种基于MapReduce的非精确任务并行处理方法
2016年授权 专利号 ZL201410029703.7 一种基于内容分块的远程文件实时更新方法
2016年授权 专利号 ZL201310294071.2 一种减少无线通信丢包率的方法和设备
2015年授权 专利号 ZL201210248732.3 一种基于图形处理单元的影响最大化并行加速方法
2014年授权 专利号 ZL201210370492.4 一种基于超级计算机的HLA仿真程序的对象调度方法
2014年授权 专利号 ZL201110459479.1 移动传感器网中利用管道的节点部署方法
2014年授权 专利号 ZL201218001015.1 一种虚拟试验运行控制方法
2012年授权 专利号 ZL201110008407.5 一种支持差异度量的角色动态转化方法
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          2024年出版科普专著《AIGC+元宇宙/Web3.0 100问:洞悉数字经济时代的底层技术》入选CCF第五期“科普阅读推荐图书”(10部)

          2023年出版 《AIGC+元宇宙/Web3.0 100问:洞悉数字经济时代的底层技术》,机械工业出版社;购买链接

          2021 Blockchain for Big Data: AI, IoT and Cloud Perspectives, CRC Press;

          2021年出版 《生物医药大数据与智能分析》,中国邮电出版社;

          2021年出版 《医学预测学》,科学出版社;

          2019年出版 《云计算与大数据技术理论及应用》,清华大学出版社;

          2018年出版 《大数据导论》,高等教育出版社;

          2013年出版 《大规模社会网络中影响最大化高效处理技术》,国防工业出版社;

          2010年出版 《无线传感器网络中高效传输技术》,国防科技大学出版社。


基于机器学习的院内新发心肌梗死预测软件 登记号 2025SR0203778
基于机器学习的医疗大数据辅助诊疗系统 登记号 2021SR1779124
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基于区块链的碳交易系统 V1.0 登记号 2024SR0305064
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染色体效应预测及疾病分析系统 登记号 2021SR0769006
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基于超算的人工智能热红外医生软件 登记号 2020SR1182681
LINCS生物大数据相似性度量分类系统 登记号 2019SR0159294
基于神经网络的药物靶标预测系统  登记号 2019SR1059494




    Yutao Dou, Wei Li, Yangtao Zheng, Xiaojun Yao, Huanxiang Liu, Albert Y.Zomaya and ShaoliangPeng*, Quick-MIMIC: A Multimodal DataExtraction Pipeline for MIMIC with Parallelization, Big Data Mining andAnalytics(中科院一区,IF 13.6)

    Wenwu Zeng, Yutao Dou, Liangrui Pan, Liwen Xu*, Shaoliang Peng*. Improving prediction performance of general protein language model by domain-adaptive pretraining on DNA-binding protein. Nature Communications, 2024. (中科院一区,top期刊)

    Boya Ji, Xiaoqi Wang, Debin Qiao, Liwen Xu*, Shaoliang Peng*. SpaCCC: Large language model-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data[J]. Big Data Mining and Analysis, 2024: 2024.02. 21.581369. 中科院一区

       Xiaoqi Wang, Yuqi Wen, Yixin Zhang, Chong Dai, Yaning Yang, Xiaochen Bo, Song He, Shaoliang Peng*A hierarchical attention network integrating multi-scale relationship for drugresponse prediction. Information Fusion,2024.(CCF A类期刊,IF18.6,通讯作者)

      Xiongjun Zhao, ZhengYu Liu, Fen Liu, Guanting Li, Yutao Dou, Shaoliang Peng*Report-Concept Textual-Prompt Learning for Enhancing X-ray Diagnosis. ACM MM,2024.(CCF A类会议,通讯作者)

  Pronthep Pipitsunthonsan, Liangrui Pan, Shaoliang Peng, Thanate Khaorapapong, Sutkhet Nakasathien, Sittiporn Channumsin, Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan. Palm bunch grading technique using a multi-input and multi-label convolutional neural network.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023. (中科院一区,top期刊)

    Hong Wang, Chong Dai, Yuqi Wen, Xiaoqi Wang, Wenjuan Liu,  Song He, Xiaochen Bo, Shaoliang Peng*GADRP: graph convolutional networks and autoencoders for cancer drug response prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023. (中科院一区,top期刊,通讯作者)

    Shaoliang Peng*, Wenxuan Bao, Hao Liu, Xia Xiao, Jiandong Shang, Lin Han, Shan Wang, Xiaolan Xie, Yang Xu. A Peer-to-Peer File Storage and Sharing System Based on Consortium Blockchain. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023. (SCI 1区,  top期刊,  第一作者、通讯作者) 原文链接

   Xiaoqi Wang, Yingjie Cheng, Yaning Yang, Fei Li, Shaoliang Peng*. Multi-task Joint Strategies of Self-supervised Representation Learning on Biomedical Networks for Drug Discovery. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023.  原文链接

   Xiaoxiao Cheng, Chong Dai, Yuqi Wen, Xiaoqi Wang, Song He, Xiaochen Bo, Shaoliang Peng*. NeRD: a multichannel neural network to predict cellular response of drugs by integrating multidimensional data. BMC Medicine, 2022.  原文链接

    Yaning Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, Deshan Zhou, Dong-Qing Wei, Shaoliang Peng*SVPath: an accurate pipeline for predicting the pathogenicity of human exon structural variants, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022.

    Xiaoqi Wang, Yaning Yang, Kenli Li, Wentao Li, Fei Li, and Shaoliang Peng*. BioERP: biomedical heterogeneous network based self-supervised representation learning approach for entity relationship predictions. Bioinformatics,  2021.

      Deshan Zhou, Zhijian Xu, WenTao li, Xiaolan Xie & Shaoliang Peng*. MultiDTI: Drug-target interaction prediction based on multi-modal representation learning to bridge the gap between new chemical entities and known heterogeneous network.  Bioinformatics,  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab473, 2021. 原文链接.

Xiaoqi Wang, Bin Xin, Weihong Tan, Zhijian Xu, Kenli Li, Fei Li, Wu Zhong & Shaoliang Peng*. DeepR2cov: deep representation learning on heterogeneous drug networks to discover anti-inflammatory agents for COVID-19. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021.DOI:10.1093/bib/bbab226 (SCI 1区, IF=11.62, 通讯作者) 原文链接.

J Li, Y Li, W Li, H Luo, Y Xi, S Dong, M Gao, ...  S Peng*, F Wu and W Yu. Guide Positioning Sequencingidentifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns that alter cell identity andtumor-immune surveillance networks. Genome Research. 2019, 29:270-280.  (SCI一区, top期刊,IF=10.10,并列通讯作者) 原文链接

Zhang, Z.,Zhao, Y., Liao, X., Shi, W., Li, K., Zou, Q*., Peng, S.* Deep Learning in omics: a survey and guideline. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2019,18(1):41–57.ESI高被引论文,并列通讯作者)原文链接

Shaoliang Peng* , Yingbo Cui , Shunyun Yang , Wenhe Su ,  Tenglilang Zhang , et al. A CPU/MIC Collaborated Parallel Framework for GROMACS on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer.  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2019,16(2):425 - 433.(JCR一区,CCF B类,第一作者、通讯作者)原文链接

Gaole An, Jiaqi Sun, Chao Ren, Zhangyi Ouyang, Lingyun Zhu, Xiaochen Bo, Shaoliang Peng*, Wenjie Shu. LIVE: a manually curated encyclopedia of experimentally validated interactions of lncRNAs.   Database. 2019:1-6.(JCR一区,通讯作者)原文链接

Bu, D., Peng, S.*, Luo, H., Li, X., Li, H., Sun, L., ... & Yi, Z.  From big data to knowledge in precision medicine. Science. 2018:359(6375):P35-38. (并列第一作者 原文链接

Guo, R.,  Zhao, Y., Zou Q., Fang X., & Peng, S.*  Bioinformatics applications on Apache Spark. GigaScience. 2018,7(8):1-10.(SCI一区,top期刊,通讯作者)原文链接

Cui, Y., Peng, S.*,Lu, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, B., Wu, C., & Liao, X.  mSNP: A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Large-Scale SNP Detection. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2018,29(11):2557-2567. (JCR一区,CCF A类,通讯作者) 原文链接

Peng, S., Lu, Y., Liao, X., Lu, K., Yang, C., ... & Wei, D. High-scalable Collaborated Parallel Framework for Large-scale Molecular Dynamic Simulation on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2018,13:1-1(JCR一区,CCF B类,第一作者、通讯作者)原文链接

Dong, D., Su, W., Shi, W.,Zou, Q., & Peng, S.* (2018). VCSRA: A fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment algorithm with a high degree of parallelism. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2018,45(7): 407–410.(JCR一区,通讯作者)原文链接

Peng, S., Yang, S.,Bo, X., & Li, F.  paraGSEA: a scalable approach for large-scale gene expression profiling. Nucleic acids research. 2017,45(17),e155-e155(SCI一区,top期刊,IF=11.15,第一作者)原文链接

Liao, X., Zhu,H., Li, K., Shi, B., & Peng, S.* A novel algorithm for detecting co-evolutionary domains in protein and nucleotide sequences. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 56-61). (CCF B类会议,第一作者、并列通讯作者) 原文链接

Xiao, M., Li, J., Li, W.,Wang, Y., Wu, F., Xi, Y., ... & Peng, S. .MicroRNAs activategene transcription epigenetically as an enhancer trigger. RNAbiology. 2017,14(10),1326-1334(JCR一区,通讯作者).原文链接

Peng, S. High performance computational biology and drug design on TianHe Supercomputers. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 7-7).(CCF B类会议,第一作者、通讯作者).原文链接

Peng, S., Lu, Y., Liao, X., Lu, K., Yang, C., ... & Wei, D. mAMBER:A CPU/MIC collaborated parallel framework for AMBER on Tianhe-2 supercomputer. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 651-657).  (CCF B类会议,第一作者).原文链接

Liu, X., Li, M., Li, S., Peng,S*., Liao, X., & Lu, X. IMGPU: GPU-accelerated influence maximization in large-scale social networks. IEEE Transactions on Paralleland Distributed Systems. 2014,25(1):136-145.(JCR一区,CCF A类,并列通讯作者)原文链接

Peng, S., Xing, G.,Li, S., Jia, W., & Peng, Y.  Fast release/capture sampling inlarge-scale sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2012,11(8),1274-1286 (JCR一区,CCF A类,第一作者、通讯作者) 原文链接

Luo, R., Liu, B., Xie, Y.,Li, Z., Huang, W., Yuan, J., ... & Peng, S.  SOAPdenovo2: an empirically improved memory-efficient short-read de novo assembler. Gigascience.2012, 1(1), 18.ESI高被引论文,引用次数超过1943SCI一区,top期刊原文链接



         [238] Yutao Dou, Wei Li, Yangtao Zheng, Xiaojun Yao, Huanxiang Liu, Albert Y.Zomaya and ShaoliangPeng*, Quick-MIMIC: A Multimodal DataExtraction Pipeline for MIMIC with Parallelization, Big Data Mining andAnalytics(中科院一区,IF 13.6)

         [237] Dazheng Liu, Xiaoli Ren, Jianping Wu, Wenjuan Liu, Juan Zhao, Shaoliang Peng*. Pipe-AGCM: A Fine-Grain Pipelining Scheme for Optimizing the Parallel Atmospheric General Circulation Model. European Conference on Parallel Processing, 2024

        [236] Boya Ji, Xiaoqi Wang, Debin Qiao, Liwen Xu*, Shaoliang Peng*. SpaCCC: Large language model-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data[J]. Big Data Mining and Analysis, 2024: 2024.02. 21.581369. 中科院一区

       [235] Wenwu Zeng, Yutao Dou, Liangrui Pan, Liwen Xu*, Shaoliang Peng*. Improving prediction performance of general protein language model by domain-adaptive pretraining on DNA-binding protein. Nature Communications, 2024. (中科院一区,top期刊)

       [234] Xiongjun Zhao, ZhengYu Liu, Fen Liu, Guanting Li, Yutao Dou, Shaoliang Peng*Report-Concept Textual-Prompt Learning for Enhancing X-ray Diagnosis. ACM MM,2024.(CCF A类会议,通讯作者)

       [233] Yutao Dou, Wei Li, Yangtao Zheng, Xiaojun Yao, Huanxiang Liu, Albert Y.Zomaya and Shaoliang Peng,“Quick-MIMIC: A Multimodal Data Extraction Pipeline for MIMIC with Parallelization”, Big Data Mining and Analytics(中科院1区TOP, IF 13.6)

        [232] Yutao Dou, Yuwei Huang, Xiongjun Zhao, Haitao Zou, Jian Xiao, and Shaoliang Peng, “ShennongMGS: A LLM-based Chinese Medication Guidance System”, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems . (JCR Q2)

        [231] Peng Xi, Wenjuan Tang, Shaoliang Peng*Fighting Fire with Fire: Medical AI ModelsDefend Against Backdoor Attacksvia Self-learning. The 20th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Application (ISBRA 2024).

        [230] Xiaoqi Wang, Yuqi Wen, Yixin Zhang, Chong Dai, Yaning Yang, Xiaochen Bo, Song He, Shaoliang Peng*A hierarchical attention network integrating multi-scale relationship for drugresponse prediction. Information Fusion, 2024. (CCF A类期刊,IF=18.6,通讯作者)

         [229]Liangrui Pan, Yijun Peng, Yan Li, Yiyi Liang, Liwen Xu, Qingchun Liang,  Shaoliang Peng*FORESEE: Multimodal and Multi-view Representation Learning for Robust Prediction of Cancer Survival, 2024. 

         [228]Liangrui Pan, Zhenyu Zhao, Ying Lu, Kewei Tang, Liyong Fu, Qingchun Liang, Shaoliang Peng*Opportunities and challenges in the application of large artificial intelligence models in radiology, Meta-Radiology, 2024.

         [227]Boya Ji, Haitao Zou, Liwen Xu, Xiaolan Xie, Shaoliang Peng*MUSCLE: multi-view and multi-scale attentional feature fusion for microRNA–disease associations prediction, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2024.

         [226]Liangrui Pan, Yijun Peng, Yan Li, Xiang Wang, Wenjuan Liu, Liwen Xu, Qingchun Liang, Shaoliang Peng*SELECTOR: Heterogeneous graph network with convolutional masked autoencoder for multimodal robust prediction of cancer survival, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2024.

         [225]Wenwu Zeng, Xuan Yu, Jiandong Shang, Peng Zhao, Wenjuan Liu, Jun Hu, Shaoliang Peng*LBi-DBP, an accurate DNA-binding protein prediction method based lightweight interpretable BiLSTM network, Expert Systems with Applications, 2024.

         [224]Haitao Zou, Boya Ji, Meng Zhang, Fen Liu, Xiaolan Xie, Shaoliang Peng*MHGTMDA: molecular heterogeneous graph transformer based on biological entity graph for miRNA-disease associations prediction, Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2024.

         [223]Yutao Dou, Yuwei Huang, Xiongjun Zhao, Haitao Zou, Jiandong Shang, Ying Lu, Xiaolin Yang, Jian Xiao, Shaoliang Peng*ShennongMGS: An LLM-based chinese medication guidance system, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2024.

         [222]Bo-Ya Ji, Xiao-Qi Wang, Xiang Wang, Li-Wen Xu, Shaoliang Peng*Multi-view graph learning for deciphering the dominant cell communication assembly of downstream functional events from single-cell RNA-seq data, bioRxiv, 2024.

         [221]Bo-Ya Ji, Li-Wen Xu, Shaoliang Peng*SpaCCC: Large language model-based cell-cell communication inference for spatially resolved transcriptomic data, bioRxiv, 2024.

         [220]Jinjing Shi, Tongge Zhao, Yizhi Wang, Chunlin Yu, Yuhu Lu, JiaJie Wu, Ronghua Shi, Shichao Zhang, Shaoliang Peng, Junjie WuAn unbiased quantum random number generator based on boson sampling, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2024.


[219] An Huang, Xiaolan Xie*, Xiaojun Yao, Huanxiang Liu, Xiaoqi Wang, and Shaoliang Peng*,HF-DDI: Predicting Drug–Drug Interaction Events Based on Multimodal Hybrid Fusion,Journal of Computational Biology.

[218] Liang Pan, Xia Xiao, Shengyun Liu, and Shaoliang Peng*,An Integration Framework of Secure Multiparty Computation and Deep Neural Network for Improving Drug–Drug Interaction Predictions,Journal of Computational Biology.

[217] Yutao Dou, Wei Li, Yucen Nan, Yidi Zhang, Shaoliang Peng*Feature augmentation and semi-supervised conditional transfer learning for early detection of sepsis, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2023.

[216] Liangrui Pan, Dazheng Liu, Zhichao Feng, Xiangxiang Zeng, Zhichao Feng, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng*, PACS: Prediction and analysis of cancer subtypes from multi-omics data based on a multi-head attention mechanism model, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[215] Liangrui Pan, Wenjuan Liu, Zhichao Feng, Keqin Li, Liwen Xu, Shaoliang Peng*. CVFC: Attention-Based Cross-View Feature Consistency for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation of Pathology Images. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[214] Liangrui Pan, Wenjuan Liu,Xuan Liu, Guo Chen, Liwen Xu, Shaoliang Peng*LDCSF: Local depth convolution-based Swim framework for classifying multi-label histopathology images, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)

[213] Liwen Xu, Boya Ji, Yijun Peng, Wending Pi, Xiangxiang Zeng, Peng Zhao, ShaoLiang Peng*, Yu-Lan Peng, ImmRegInformer: an interpretable Transformer-based method for prioritizing immune-regulatory cancer drivers, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)

[212] Yutao Dou, Zhengyu Liu, Xiongjun Zhao, Kun Xie, Guo Chen, Shaoliang Peng*, Xiangke Liao, An Attention-based Label Mapping and Multi-factor Domain Adaptation Approach for ACS Prediction , 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[211]Yutao Dou, Yangtao Zheng, Dazheng Liu, Keqin Li, Sheng Xiao Shaoliang Peng*g. ParaMET: A Parallel Framework for Efficient Medical Data Extraction on Tianhe-NG Supercomputer.  2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)

[210] Wenwu Zeng, Dafeng Lv, Xuan Liu, Guo Chen, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng*ESM-NBR: fast and accurate nucleic acid-binding residue prediction via protein language model feature representation and multi-task learning. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[209] Peng Xi, Wenjuan Tang, Kun Xie, Xuan Liu, Peng ZhaoShaoliang Peng*, RobustHealthFL: Robust Strategy Against Malicious Clients in Non-iid Healthcare Federated Learning . 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[208] Lian Wang, Liangrui Pan, Hetian Wang, Mingting Liu, Zhichao Feng, Pengfei Rong, Zuo Chen, Shaoliang Peng*DHUnet: Dual-branch hierarchical global–local fusion network for whole slide image segmentation, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2023

[207] Xiaoqi Wang, Yingjie Cheng, Yaning Yang, Fei Li, Shaoliang Peng*. Multi-task Joint Strategies of Self-supervised Representation Learning on Biomedical Networks for Drug Discovery. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023.

[206] Boya Ji, Wending Pi, Wenjuan Liu, Yannan Liu, Yujun Cui, Xianglilan Zhang, Shaoliang Peng*HyperVR: a hybrid deep ensemble learning approach for simultaneously predicting virulence factors and antibiotic resistance genes, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2023

[205] Jin Yin, Jia-Jun Qiu, Jing-Yan Liu, Yi-Yue Li, Qi-Cheng Lao, Xiao-Rong Zhong, Mengling Feng, Hao Du, Shao-Liang Peng, Yu-Lan Peng, Differential Diagnosis of DCIS and Fibroadenoma Based on Ultrasound Images: a Difference-Based Self-Supervised Approach, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2023

[204] Teng Wang, Zhouyang Jia, Shanshan Li, Si Zheng, Yue Yu, Erci Xu, Shaoliang Peng*, Xiangke Liao, Understanding and detecting on-the-fly configuration bugs, Proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2023

[203]Pronthep Pipitsunthonsan, Liangrui PanShaoliang Peng, Thanate Khaorapapong, Sutkhet Nakasathien, Sittiporn Channumsin, Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan. Palm bunch grading technique using a multi-input and multi-label convolutional neural network.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2023

[202] Hong Wang, Chong Dai, Yuqi Wen, Xiaoqi Wang, Wenjuan Liu,  Song He, Xiaochen Bo, Shaoliang Peng*. GADRP: graph convolutional networks and autoencoders for cancer drug response prediction. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023.

[201] Shaoliang Peng*, Wenxuan Bao, Hao Liu, Xia Xiao, Jiandong Shang, Lin Han, Shan Wang, Xiaolan Xie, Yang Xu. A Peer-to-Peer File Storage and Sharing System Based on Consortium Blockchain. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2023.


[200] Hong Wang, Xiaoqi Wang, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng*deepDGA: Biomedical Heterogeneous Network-based Deep Learning Framework for Disease-Gene Association Predictions. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[199] Weiming Xiang, Yingbo Cui, Yaning Yang, Ang Zhang, Boya Ji, Shaoliang Peng*ECGNN: Enhancing Abnormal Recognition in 12-Lead ECG with Graph Neural Network. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[198] Xiongjun Zhao, Zhengyu Liu, Shaoliang Peng*ECGNN: Enhancing Abnormal Recognition in 12-Lead ECG with Graph Neural Network. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[197] Liangrui Pan, Lian Wang, Mingting Liu, Zhujun Xu, Liwen Xu, Shaoliang Peng*MGTUNet: An new UNet for colon nuclei instance segmentation and quantification. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[196] Xiongjun Zhao, Xiang Wang, Fenglei Yu, Shaoliang Peng*UniMed: Multimodal Multitask Learning for Medical Predictions. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM).

[195] Xiaoxiao Cheng, Chong Dai, Yuqi Wen, Xiaoqi Wang, Xiaochen Bo, Song He, Shaoliang Peng*NeRD: a multichannel neural network to predict cellular response of drugs by integrating multidimensional data. BMC Medicine, 2022.

[194] Xiaoqi Wang, Yingjie Cheng, Yaning Yang, Fei Li, Shaoliang Peng*. Multi-task Joint Strategies of Self-supervised Representation Learning on Biomedical Networks for Drug Discovery. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2022.

[193] Xianglilan Zhang, Ruohan Wang, Xiangcheng Xie, Yunjia Hu, Jianping Wang, Qiang Sun, Xikang Feng, Wei Lin, Shanwei Tong, Wei Yan, Huiqi Wen, Mengyao Wang, Shixiang Zhai, Cheng Sun, Fangyi Wang, Qi Niu, Andrew M Kropinski, Yujun Cui, Xiaofang Jiang, Shaoliang Peng, Shuaicheng Li, Yigang TongMining bacterial NGS data vastly expands the complete genomes of temperate phages. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2022.

[192] Peng Xi , Xinglong Zhang, Lian Wang, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng*A Review of Blockchain-Based Secure Sharing of Healthcare Data. Applied Sciences, 2022.

[191] Yahui Long, Yu Zhang, Min Wu, Shaoliang Peng, Chee Keong Kwoh, Jiawei Luo, Xiaoli Li. Heterogeneous graph attention networks for drug virus association prediction. Methods, 2022.

[190] Yingjie Cheng, Xiaoqi Wang, Xiaolan Xie, Wentao Li, Shaoliang Peng*. Channel pruning guided by global channel relation. Applied Intelligence, 2022.

[189] Yanqing Yang, Deshan Zhou, Xinben Zhang, Yulong Shi, Jiaxin Han, Liping Zhou, Leyun Wu, Minfei Ma, Jintian Li, Shaoliang Peng, Zhijian Xu, Weiliang Zhu. D3AI-CoV: a deep learning platform for predicting drug targets and for virtual screening against COVID-19. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022.

[188] Bo-Ya Ji, Liang-Rui Pan, Ji-Ren Zhou, Zhu-Hong You, Shaoliang Peng*. SMMDA: Predicting miRNA-Disease Associations by Incorporating Multiple Similarity Profiles and a Novel Disease Representation. Biology, 2022. 

[187] Liangrui Pan, Hetian Wang, Lian Wang, Boya Ji, Mingting Liu, Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan, Jin Yuan, Shaoliang Peng*.Noise-reducing attention cross fusion learning transformer for histological image classification of osteosarcoma. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2022.

[186] Bin Xin, Yaning Yang, Xiaolan Xie, Jiandong Shang, Zhengyu Liu, Shaoliang Peng*. Detecting and Classifying Nuclei Using Multi-scale Fully Convolutional Network. Journal of Computational Biology, 2022.

[185] Zihang Wang, Yingbo Cui, Shaoliang Peng*, Xiangke Liao, Yangbo Yu. MinimapR: A parallel alignment tool for the analysis of large-scale third-generation sequencing data. Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 2022. (推荐到期刊 Computational Biology and Chemistry (Elsevier))

[184] Xia-an Bi, Hao Wu, Xi Hu, Yu Fu, Shaoliang Peng*. Clustering-Evolutionary Random Support Vector Machine Ensemble for fMRI-Based Asperger Syndrome Diagnosis.The Computer Journal, 2022.

[183] Fan Yang, Qi Zhang, Xiaokang Ji, Yanchun Zhang, Wentao Li, Shaoliang Peng, Fuzhong Xue, Shaoliang Peng*. Machine learning applications in drug repurposing. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2022.

[182] Yaning Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, Deshan Zhou, Dong-Qing Wei, Shaoliang Peng*. SVPath: an accurate pipeline for predicting the pathogenicity of human exon structural variants. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022.


[181] Fan Yang, Qi Zhang, Xiaokang Ji, Yanchun Zhang, Wentao Li, Shaoliang Peng, Fuzhong Xue. Machine learning applications in drug repurposing. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2021/1/23.

[180] Yingbo Cui, Zihang Wang, Johannes Koster, Xiangke Liao, Shaoliang Peng, Tao Tang, Chun Huang, Canqun Yang. VISPR-online: a web-based interactive tool to visualize CRISPR screening experiments. BMC Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(344).

[179] Zhaoen Yang, Xiaoyang Ge, Weinan Li, Yuying Jin, Lisen Liu, Wei Hu, Fuyan Liu, Yanli Chen, Shaoliang Peng*, Fuguang Li. Cotton D genome assemblies built with long-read data unveil mechanisms of centromere evolution and stress tolerance divergence. BMC biology, 2021, 19(115). 

[178] Kejie Mou, Farwa Mukhtar, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Doaa B Darwish, Shaoliang Peng, Shabbir Muhammad, Abdullah G Al-Sehemi, Dong-Qing Wei. Emerging Mutations in Nsp1 of SARS-CoV-2 and Their Effect on the Structural Stability. Pathogens 2021, 10(10).

[177] Yahui Long, Yu Zhang, Min Wu, Shaoliang Peng, Chee Keong Kwoh, Jiawei Luo, Xiaoli Li. Heterogeneous graph attention networks for drug virus association prediction. Methods, 2021, online.

[176] Abbas Khan, Wang Heng, Yanjing Wang, Jingfei Qiu, Xiaoyong Wei, Shaoliang Peng, Shoaib Saleem, Mazhar Khan, Syed Shujait Ali, Dong‐Qing Wei. In silico and in vitro evaluation of kaempferol as a potential inhibitor of the SARS‐CoV‐2 main protease (3CLpro). Phytotherapy Research, 2021, doi: 10.1002/ptr.6998.

[175] An Zeng, Huabin Rong, Dan Pan,Longfei Jia,Yiqun Zhang, Fengyi Zhao & Shaoliang Peng*. Discovery of Genetic Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease Using Adaptive Convolutional Neural Networks Ensemble and Genome-Wide Association Studies. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2021,13 (4), 787-800.

[174] Jiechen Li, Xiangxiang Zeng, Yong Dou, Fei Xia, and Shaoliang Peng*. LADstackING: Stacking Ensemble Learning-based Computational Model for Predicting Potential LncRNA-disease Associations. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[173] Yaning Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, Ying Xu, Chao Yang, Bin Jiang and Shaoliang Peng*. ParaPindel: a scalable coordinated parallel detection framework for human genome-wide structural variation. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[172] Weiming Xiang, Dong Chen, Yingbo Cui,  and Shaoliang Peng*. H-VAE: A Hybrid Variational AutoEncoder with Data Augmentation in Predicting CRISPR/Cas9 Off-target. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[171] Liangrui Pan, Peng Zhang, Boya Ji, Fei Xia, Chongcheawchamnan Mitchai, and Shaoliang Peng*. FEDI: Few-shot learning based on Earth Mover's Distance algorithm combined with deep residual network to identify diabetic retinopathy. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[170] Xiongjun Zhao, Yingjie Cheng, Weiming Xiang, Xiang Wang, Lin Han, Jiandong Shang, and Shaoliang Peng*. A Knowledge-aware Machine Reading Comprehension Framework for Dialogue Symptom Diagnosis. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[169] Boya Ji, Jiawei Luo, Liangrui Pan, Xiaolan Xie, Shaoliang Peng*. DFL-PiDA: Prediction of Piwi-interacting RNA-Disease Associations based on Deep Feature Learning. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[168] Yonghui Cui, Zhijian Xu, and Shaoliang Peng*. IDOS: Improved D3DOCK On Spark. 17th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), 2021

[167] Hao Liu, Xia Xiao, Xinglong Zhang, Kenli Li, and Shaoliang Peng*. MIFS: A Peer-to-Peer Medical Images Storage and Sharing System Based on Consortium Blockchain. 17th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), 2021.

[166] Bin Xin, Yaning Yang, Dongqing Wei and Shaoliang Peng*. CFCN: A Multi-scale Fully Convolutional Network with Dilated Convolution for Nuclei Classification and Localization. 17th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), 2021.

[165] Liangrui Pan, Peng Zhang, Chalongrat Daengngam, Shaoliang Peng*, Mitchai Chongcheawchamnan. A review of artificial intelligence methods combined with Raman spectroscopy to identify the composition of substances. J Raman Spectrosc,  2021.原文链接.

[164] Xiaoqi Wang, Yaning Yang, Kenli Li, Wentao Li, Fei Li, and Shaoliang Peng*. BioERP: biomedical heterogeneous network based self-supervised representation learning approach for entity relationship predictions. Bioinformatics,  2021.

[163]  Deshan Zhou, Zhijian Xu, WenTao li, Xiaolan Xie & Shaoliang Peng*. MultiDTI: Drug-target interaction prediction based on multi-modal representation learning to bridge the gap between new chemical entities and known heterogeneous network. Bioinformatics,  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btab473, 2021.原文链接.

[162] Qin Liao *, Gang Xiao, Shaoliang Peng*. Performance improvement of atmospheric continuous-variable quantum key distribution with untrusted source. Entropy June, 2021.

[161] Zhaoen Yang,Xiaoyang Ge,Weinan Li, Shaoliang Peng*, Fuguang Li. Cotton D genome assemblies built with long-read data unveil mechanisms of centromere evolution and stress tolerance divergence. BMC Biology.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12915-021-01041-0. 原文链接.

[160] Deshan Zhou, Shaoliang Peng*, Dong-Qing Wei, Wu Zhong, Yutao Dou and Xiaolan Xie*. LUNAR: Drug Screening for Novel Coronavirus Based on Representation Learning Graph Convolutional Network. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2021.3085972 (CCF B类).

[159]  Yanyi Chu, ..., Shaoliang Peng,..., Dong-Qing Wei. MDA-GCNFTG: identifying miRNA-disease associations based on graph convolutional networks via graph sampling through the feature and topology graph. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021.DOI:10.1093/bib/bbab165 (SCI 1区, IF=11.62) 原文链接.

[158] Xiaoqi Wang, Bin Xin, Weihong Tan, Zhijian Xu, Kenli Li, Fei Li, Wu Zhong & Shaoliang Peng*. DeepR2cov: deep representation learning on heterogeneous drug networks to discover anti-inflammatory agents for COVID-19. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021.DOI:10.1093/bib/bbab226 (SCI 1区, IF=11.62, 通讯作者).

[157]Yuhan Yang, Chengnian Long, Jing Wu, & Shaoliang Peng., Bo Li D2D-Enabled Mobile-Edge Computation Offloading for Multi-user IoT Network. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.原文链接;

[156]Jiajun Qiu, & Shaoliang Peng., Jin Yin, Junren Wang, Jingwen Jiang, Zhenlin Li, Huan Song, Wei Zhang A Radiomics Signature to Quantitatively Analyze COVID-19-Infected Pulmonary Lesions. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2021 13(1): 61-72.原文链接;

[155]Yingbo Cui, Xiaolong Cheng, Qing Chen, ... Shaoliang Peng. CRISP-view: a database of functional genetic screens spanning multiple phenotypes, Nucleic Acids Research, 2021, 49(D1): D848-D854.原文链接;

[154]Aman Chandra Kaushik, Aamir Mehmood, & Shaoliang Peng., Yu-Juan Zhang, Xiaofeng Dai, Dong-Qing Wei NA-CaMP: a tool for anti-cancer and antimicrobial peptide generation. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2021 39(1): 285-293.原文链接;


[153]Xiaoqi Wang, Yaning Yang, Xiangke Liao, Kenli Li, Fei Li, Shaoliang Peng. selfRL: Two-Level Self-Supervised Transformer Representation Learning for Link Prediction of Heterogeneous Biomedical Networks. bioRxiv, 2020.原文链接;

[152]Xia-an Bi, Hao Wu, Xi Hu, Yu Fu, Shaoliang Peng. Clustering-Evolutionary Random Support Vector Machine Ensemble for fMRI-Based Asperger Syndrome Diagnosis, The Computer Journal, 2020.原文链接;

[151]Cui, Y., Liao, X., Peng, S. et al. OffScan: a universal and fast CRISPR off-target sites detection tool. BMC Genomics 21, 872 (2020).原文链接;

[150]Cui, Yingbo & Cheng, Xiaolong & Chen, Qing & ... & Peng, Shaoliang. CRISP-view: a database of functional genetic screens spanning multiple phenotypes. Nucleic acids research, 2020.原文链接;

[149]Jiajun Qiu, Shaoliang Peng, Jin Yin, Junren Wang, Jingwen Jiang, Zhenlin Li, Wei Zhang.  A radiomics signature to quantitatively analyze COVID-19-infected pulmonary lesions. Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences.

[148]Dong Chen, Wenjie Shu, and Shaoliang Peng*. Predicting CRISPR-Cas9 Off-target with Self-supervised Neural Networks. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议,通讯作者).;

[147]Yahui Long, Yu Zhang, Min Wu, Shaoliang Peng, Chee Keong Kwoh, Jiawei Luo, and Xiaoli Li. Predicting Drugs for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 via Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议).;

[146]Yunhao Liu, Shaoliang Peng*, Wenjie Shu*, Bin Jiang, Chao Yang, Kun Xie. Predicting functional elements and variants effects in non-coding regions based on deep learning. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[145]Shaoliang Peng*, Liang Bai, Li Xiong, Qiang Qu, Xiaolan Xie and Shulin Wang. GeoAI-based Epidemic Control with Geo-Social Data Sharing on Blockchain. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[144]Jian Chen, Shaoliang Peng*, Hao Huang, Minxia Cheng, Yaning Yang, Fei Li. Protein Structure Prediction Based on Multi-Level Information Fusion. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[143]Shaoliang Peng*, Xiaoqi Wang, Sheng Xiao, Jiawei Luo, and Zhuo Tang. EfMulti-view Weighted Feature Fusion Using CNN for Pneumonia Detection on Chest X-Rays. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[142]Jiameng Liu,Shaoliang Peng*,  Jiawei Luo, Zhuo Tang and Hao Liu. Segmented Encryption: A Quality and Safety Supervisory Model for Herbal Medicine Based on Blockchain Technology. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[141]Shaoliang Peng*, Lei Zhang, Yaning Yang, Wei Liu, Fei Li*, Hao Hong, Kenli Li, Shulin Wang. A deep metric learning algorithm for similarity measure of the gene expression profile. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[140]Shaoliang Peng*, Hao Huang, Minxia Cheng, Yaning Yang, Fei Li. Efficiently recognition of vaginal micro-ecological environment  based on Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE HealthCom 2020.;

[139]Yaning Yang, Shaoliang Peng*.A Dynamic Protection Mechanism for GPU Memory Overflow. NPC 2020.;

[138]Lili Zhang, Xiaoping Wang, Kai Lu, Shaoliang Peng, Xiaodong Wang*.An efficient framework for generating robust adversarial examples. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 35(9): 1433-1449 (2020).原文链接;

[137]Shaoliang Peng*, Xiaoyu Zhang, Wenhe Su, Dong Dong, Yutong Lu, Xiangke Liao, Kai Lu, Canqun Yang, Jie Liu, Weiliang Zhu, Dongqing Wei. High-Scalable Collaborated Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Molecular Dynamic Simulation on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 17(3): 804-816 (2020).原文链接;

[136]Ying Xu, Cuijuan Yang, Shaoliang Peng. A Hybrid Two-Stage Financial Stock Forecasting Algorithm based on Clustering and Ensemble Learning. Applied Intelligence, 2020: 1-16.原文链接;

[135] Shaoliang Peng, Xing Hu, Jinglin Zhang, Xiaolan Xie, Chengnian Long, Zhihui Tian, Hongbo Jiang. An efficient double-layer blockchain method for vaccine production supervision. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2020, 19(3): 579-587.原文链接;

[134] Dong Chen, Shaoliang Peng*, Kenli Li, Ying Xu, Jinglin Zhang and Xiaolan Xie. Re-ranking Answer Selection with Similarity Aggregation. The 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Xian, July 25-30, 2020: 1677-1680(CCF A类).原文链接;

[133] Xiaan Bi, Yiming Xie, Hao Wu, Shaoliang Peng*. Identification of differential brain regions in MCI progression via clustering-evolutionary weighted SVM ensemble algorithm. Frontiers of Computer Science.;

[132] Di Yang, Chengnian Long, Han Xu, Shaoliang Peng*. A Review on Scalability of Blockchain.  ICBCT 2020: 1-6.原文链接

[131] Jiameng Liu, Shaoliang Peng*, Chengnian Long, Lijun Wei, Yunhao Liu, Zhihui Tian. Blockchain for Data Science.  ICBCT 2020: 24-28.原文链接

[130] Wenzhang Zhuge, Chenping Hou, Shaoliang Peng*, Yu-Juan Zhang, Xiaofeng Dai, Dong-Qing Wei. Joint consensus and diversity for multi-view semi-supervised classification. Machine Learning: 109(3): 445-465 (2020)原文链接


[129] Aman Chandra Kaushik, Aamir Mehmood, Shaoliang Peng*, Yu-Juan Zhang, Xiaofeng Dai, Dong-Qing Wei. A-CaMP: A Tool for Anti-Cancer and Antimicrobial Peptide Generation. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 2019 (just-accepted): 1-14.原文链接

[128] Weiwei Lin, Zilong Zhang, Shaoliang Peng*.  Academic research trend analysis based on big data technology. IJCSE 20(1): 31-39 (2019).原文链接

[127] Zekun Yin, Hao Zhang, Kai Xu, Yuandong Chan, Shaoliang Peng,  Xiaoning Wang, Bertil Schmidt, Weiguo Liu. XLCS: A New Bit-Parallel Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm on Xeon Phi Clusters. HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2019: 1477-1483.原文链接

[126] Zhe Sun, Shaoliang Peng*, Yaning Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, and Fei Li. A General Fine-tuned Transfer Learning Model for Predicting Clinical Task Acrossing Diverse EHRs Datasets. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议,通讯作者).;

[125] Xing Hu, Shaoliang Peng*, Chengnian Long, and Lijun Wei. vGuard: A Spatio-temporal Efficiency Supervision Method For Vaccine Production Based On Double-level Blockchain. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议,通讯作者).;

[124] Qi Niu, Shaoliang Peng*, Xiang-li-lan Zhang, Shuai-cheng Li, Xiang-Cheng Xie, and Yi-Gang Tong. LysoPhD: predicting functional prophages in bacterial genomes from high-throughput sequencing. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) .(CCF B类会议,通讯作者).;

[123] Shaoliang Peng*, Yaning Yang, Wei Liu, Fei Li, and Xiangke Liao. Discriminant Projection Shared Dictionary Learning for Classification of Tumors Using Gene Expression Data. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS. 2019.  (第一作者、并列通讯作者) 原文链接

[122] J Li, Y Li, W Li, H Luo, Y Xi, S Dong, M Gao, ...  S Peng*, F Wu and W Yu. Guide Positioning Sequencingidentifies aberrant DNA methylation patterns that alter cell identity andtumor-immune surveillance networks. Genome Research. 2019, 29:270-280.  (SCI一区, top期刊,IF=10.10,并列通讯作者) 原文链接

[121] Zhang, Z.,Zhao, Y., Liao, X., Shi, W., Li, K., Zou, Q*., Peng, S.* Deep Learning in omics: a survey and guideline. Briefings in Functional Genomics, 2019,18(1):41–57.ESI高被引论文,并列通讯作者)原文链接

[120] Shaoliang Peng* , Yingbo Cui , Shunyun Yang , Wenhe Su ,  Tenglilang Zhang , et al. A CPU/MIC Collaborated Parallel Framework for GROMACS on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer.  IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2019,16(2):425 - 433.(JCR一区,CCF B类,第一作者、通讯作者)原文链接

[119] Gaole An, Jiaqi Sun, Chao Ren, Zhangyi Ouyang, Lingyun Zhu, Xiaochen Bo, Shaoliang Peng*, Wenjie Shu. LIVE: a manually curated encyclopedia of experimentally validated interactions of lncRNAs.   Database. 2019:1-6.(JCR一区,通讯作者)原文链接

[118]  Benyun Shi, Guangliang Liu, Hongjun Qiu, Yu-Wang Chen,  Shaoliang Peng*. Voluntary Vaccination through Perceiving Epidemic Severity in Social Networks.   Complexity 2019: 3901218:1-3901218:13 (2019).原文链接

[117]  T Huang, W Lin, Y Li, LG He,  SL Peng. A Latency-Aware Multiple Data Replicas Placement Strategy for Fog Computing.   Journal of Signal Processing Systems: 1-14 (22 February 2019).原文链接


[116] Bu, D., Peng, S.*, Luo, H., Li, X., Li, H., Sun, L., ... & Yi, Z.  From big data to knowledge in precision medicine. Science. 2018:359(6375):P35-38. (并列第一作者) 原文链接

[115] Guo, R.,  Zhao, Y., Zou Q., Fang X., & Peng, S.*  Bioinformatics applications on Apache Spark. GigaScience. 2018,7(8):1-10.(SCI一区,top期刊,通讯作者)原文链接

[114] Cui, Y., Peng, S.*,Lu, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, B., Wu, C., & Liao, X.  mSNP: A Massively Parallel Algorithm for Large-Scale SNP Detection. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 2018,29(11):2557-2567. (JCR一区,CCF A类,通讯作者) 原文链接

[113] Peng, S., Lu, Y., Liao, X., Lu, K., Yang, C., ... & Wei, D. High-scalable Collaborated Parallel Framework for Large-scale Molecular Dynamic Simulation on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2018,13:1-1(JCR一区,CCF B类,第一作者、通讯作者)原文链接

[112] Dong, D., Su, W., Shi, W.,Zou, Q., & Peng, S.* (2018). VCSRA: A fast and accurate multiple sequence alignment algorithm with a high degree of parallelism. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2018,45(7): 407–410.(JCR一区,通讯作者)原文链接

[111] S Peng* , Cheng M , Huang K , et al. .(2018). Efficient computation of motif discovery on Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture[J]. BMC Bioinformatics, 2018, 19(9):282.(第一作者、通讯作者)原文链接

[110] D Dong, Z Xu, W Zhong, S Peng* .(2018). Parallelization of Molecular Docking: A Review, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 18(12): 1015–1028.(通讯作者)原文链接

[109] Z Zhang, Y Lu, S Peng* .(2018). A dictionary learning algorithm for gene expression profile classification based on feature selection, 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Robotic and Control Engineering.(通讯作者)原文链接

[108] X Xie, Q Sun, X Liao, Y Tong, S Peng* .(2018). Complete genomes of two novel active prophages discovered by bioinformatics methods from high-throughput sequencing data, ITA 2018.(通讯作者)原文链接

[107] R Guo, X Xie, B Shi, S Li, K Li, X Liao, S Peng* .(2018). Review of Bioinformatics Application on Intel MIC Architecture, Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 2018.(通讯作者)

[106] R Guo, Y Wang, W Shu, S Peng* .(2018). Accurate identification of RNA editing sites from primitive sequence with recurrent neural network,  Current Gene Therapy, 2018.(通讯作者)

[105]  Liao, X., Zhu, H., Li, K., Shi, B., Peng, S.. (2018). COPCOP: A Novel Algorithm and Parallel Optimization Framework for Co-Evolutionary Domain Detection. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.原文链接

[104] Yang, S., Guo, R., Liu, R.,Liao, X., Zou, Q., Shi, B., & Peng, S.* (2018). cmFSM: ascalable CPU-MIC coordinated drug-finding tool by frequent subgraphmining. BMC bioinformatics, 19(4), 98. (通讯作者)原文链接

[103] Cui, Y., Xu, J., Cheng, M.,Liao, X., & Peng, S.* (2018). Review of CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA DesignTools. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 1-11. (通讯作者)原文链接

        [102] Lu,X., Li, X., Liu, P., Qian, X., Miao, Q., & Peng, S.* (2018). The Integrative Method Based on the Module-Network for Identifying Driver Genes in Cancer Subtypes. Molecules, 23(2), 183. (并列通讯作者)原文链接

        [101] Bai,L. Y., Dai, H., Xu, Q., Junaid, M., Peng, S. L. , Zhu, X., ... &Wei, D. Q. (2018). Prediction of Effective Drug Combinations by an Improved Naive Bayesian Algorithm. International journal of molecular sciences, 19(2), 467.原文链接


[100] Peng, S., Yang, S.,Bo, X., & Li, F.  paraGSEA: a scalable approach for large-scale gene expression profiling. Nucleic acids research. 2017,45(17),e155-e155(SCI一区,top期刊,IF=11.15,第一作者)原文链接

[99]  Liao, X., Zhu,H., Li, K., Shi, B., & Peng, S.* A novel algorithm for detecting co-evolutionary domains in protein and nucleotide sequences. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 56-61). (CCF B类会议,第一作者、并列通讯作者) 原文链接

[98] Xiao, M., Li, J., Li, W.,Wang, Y., Wu, F., Xi, Y., ... & Peng, S. .MicroRNAs activategene transcription epigenetically as an enhancer trigger. RNAbiology. 2017,14(10),1326-1334(JCR一区,通讯作者).原文链接

[97] Peng, S., Yang, S.,Su, W.,  Zhang, T., Liu, W., & Zhao, X.  A CPU/MIC Collaborated Parallel Framework for GROMACS on Tianhe-2 Supercomputer. In the 27th International Conference on Genome Informatics (GIW).原文链接

[96] Peng, S., Yang, S., Su, W., Zhang, Z., Dong, D., ... & Zhu, W. (2017, May). mD3DOCKxb: An Ultra-Scalable CPU-MIC Coordinated Virtual Screening Framework. In Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID), 2017 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on (pp. 671-676). IEEE.原文链接

[95] Peng, S., Yang, S.,Gao, M., Liao, X., Liu, J., Yang, C., ... & Yu, W. (2017). P-Hint-Hunt: adeep parallelized whole genome DNA methylation detection tool. BMC genomics, 18(2), 134.原文链接

[94] Zhang, H. Y., Xu, Q., Xiong,Y., Peng, S. L., Kumari, K. M., & Wei, D. Q. (2017). Membrane defectand water leakage caused by passive calcium permeation. Journal of Molecular Liquids.原文链接

[93] Su, W., Liao, X., Lu, Y.,Zou, Q., & Peng, S.* (2017). Multiple Sequence Alignment Based on a Suffix Tree and Center-Star Strategy: A Linear Method for Multiple Nucleotide Sequence Alignment on Spark Parallel Framework. Journal of Computational Biology, 24(12), 1230-1242.(并列通讯作者)原文链接

[92] Shi, B., Wang, W., Qiu, H.,Chen, Y. W., & Peng, S. (2017). Exploring Voluntary Vaccinating Behaviors using Evolutionary N-person Threshold Games. Scientificreports, 7(1), 16355.原文链接


[91] Peng, S. High performance computational biology and drug design on TianHe Supercomputers. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 7-7).(CCFB类会议,第一作者、通讯作者).原文链接

[90] Peng, S., Lu, Y., Liao, X., Lu, K., Yang, C., ... & Wei, D. mAMBER:A CPU/MIC collaborated parallel framework for AMBER on Tianhe-2 supercomputer. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine(BIBM) (pp. 651-657).  (CCF B类会议,第一作者).原文链接

[89] Zhang, F., Liao, X., Peng,S.*, Cui, Y., Wang, B., Zhu, X., & Liu, J. (2016). A Hybrid Parallel Strategy Based on String Graph Theory to Improve De Novo DNA Assembly on theTianHe-2 Supercomputer. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 8(2), 169-176.(并列通讯作者)原文链接

[88] Lan, H., Chan, Y., Xu, K.,Schmidt, B., Peng, S., & Liu, W. (2016). Parallel algorithms forlarge-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters. BMC bioinformatics, 17(9), 267.原文链接

[87] Cui, Y., Liao, X., Zhu, X.,Wang, B., & Peng, S.* (2016). B-MIC: an ultrafast three-level parallel sequence aligner using MIC. Interdisciplinary Sciences:Computational Life Sciences, 8(1), 28-34.(并列通讯作者)原文链接

[86] Li, X., Wu, W. K., Xing, R.,Wong, S. H., Liu, Y., Fang, X., ... & Peng, S. (2016). Distinct subtypes of gastric cancer defined by molecular characterization include novel mutational signatures with prognostic capability. Cancer research.原文链接

[85] Cheng, C., Zhou, Y., Li, H.,Xiong, T., Li, S., Bi, Y., ... & Peng, S. (2016). Whole-genome sequencing reveals diverse models of structural variations in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 98(2), 256-274.原文链接


[84] Peng, S., Liao, X.,Yang, C., Lu, Y., Liu, J., Cui, Y., ... & Wang, B. (2015, May). The Challenge of Scaling Genome Big Data Analysis Software on TH-2 Supercomputer. In Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on (pp. 823-828). IEEE.原文链接

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[82] Liu, X., Peng, S.*,Yang, C., Wu, C., Wang, H., Cheng, Q., ... & Wang, J. (2015, May). mAMBER:Accelerating explicit solvent molecular dynamic with Intel Xeon Phimany-integrated core coprocessors. In Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing(CCGrid), 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on(pp. 729-732). IEEE.(通讯作者)原文链接

[81] Cheng, Q., Peng, S.*,Lu, Y., Zhu, W., Xu, Z., &  (2015, May). mD3DOCKxb: a deepparallel optimized software for molecular docking with Intel Xeon Phicoprocessors. In Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2015 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on(pp. 725-728). IEEE.(通讯作者)原文链接

[80] Zhu, X., Peng, S.*,Liu, S., Cui, Y., Gu, X., Gao, M., ... & Fang, X. (2015). A Massively Parallel Computational Method of Reading Index Files for SOAPsnv. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational LifeSciences, 7(4), 397-404.(通讯作者)原文链接

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[78] Liao, X., Peng, S.,Lu, Y., Cui, Y., Wu, C., Wang, H., & Wen, J. (2015). Neo-hetergeneous Programmingand Parallelized Optimization of a Human Genome Re-sequencing Analysis Software Pipeline on TH-2 Supercomputer. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 2(1), 73-83.原文链接

[77] Cui, Y., Liao, X., Peng,S.*, Lu, Y., Yang, C., Wang, B., & Wu, C. (2015, July). Large-scale neo-heterogeneous programming and optimization of SNP detection on Tianhe-2. In International Conference on High Performance Computing(pp. 74-86). Springer, Cham.(通讯作者)原文链接

[76] Zhang, J., Li, S., Liao, X.,Peng, S., Liu, X., & Jia, Z. (2015). Hematch: a redundancy layout placement scheme for erasure-coded storages in practical heterogeneous failure patterns. Science China Information Sciences, 58(6), 1-11.原文链接

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[74] Luo, R., Cheung, J., Wu, E.,Wang, H., Chan, S. H., Law, W. C., ... & Peng, S. (2015). MICA: A fast short-read aligner that takes full advantage of Many Integrated Core Architecture (MIC). BMC bioinformatics, 16(7), S10.原文链接

[73] Fang, X., Nevo, E., Han, L.,Levanon, E. Y., Zhao, J., Avivi, A., ... & Peng, S. (2015). Corrigendum: Genome-wide adaptive complexes to underground stresses in blindmole rats Spalax. Nature communications, 6, 8051.原文链接

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[66] Huang, H., Liao, X., Li, S.,Peng, S.*, Liu, X., & Lin, B. (2013, August). The architecture and traffic management of wireless collaborated hybrid data center network.In ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (Vol. 43, No. 4, pp.511-512). ACM.(并列通讯作者)原文链接

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[64] LU, X., DONG, D., LIAO, X.,& PENG, S. (2013). P-Zone: Connectivity-based Packet Path Tracing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 22(3),477-482.

[63] Luo, R., Wong, T., Zhu, J.,Liu, C. M., Zhu, X., Wu, E., ... & Peng, S. (2013). SOAP3-dp: fast, accurate and sensitive GPU-based short read aligner. PloS one, 8(5), e65632.原文链接

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[58] Liu, B., Yao, Y., Jiang, Z.,Yan, L., Qu, Q., & Peng, S. (2012, July). HLA-based parallel simulation: A case study. In Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), 2012 ACM/IEEE/SCS 26th Workshop on (pp. 65-67). IEEE.原文链接


[57] Hou, B., Yao, Y., & Peng,S.* (2011, June). Empirical study on entity interaction graph oflarge-scale parallel simulations. In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Workshopon Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (pp. 1-6). IEEE Computer Society.(并列通讯作者)

[56] Chen, L. L., Lu, Y. S., Yao,Y. P., & Peng, S. L.* (2011, June). A well-balanced time warp systemon multi-core environments. In Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation (PADS), 2011 IEEE Workshop on (pp. 1-9). IEEE.(并列通讯作者)原文链接


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[54] Liu, Z., Song, J., & Peng,S.* (2010, June). MPIActor: A thread-based MPI program accelerator. In Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2010 18th International Workshopon (pp. 1-2). IEEE.(并列通讯作者)原文链接

[53] Li, S., Zheng, S., Liao, X.,& Peng, S.* (2010, June). Exploring the practicability of mobile sensors in complex environment surveillance. In Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2010 18th International Workshop on (pp. 1-2). IEEE.(并列通讯作者)原文链接


[52] Peng, S. L., Li, S.S., Liao, X. K., Peng, Y. X., & Xiao, N. (2009). Estimation of a population size in large-scale wireless sensor networks. Journal of Computer science and technology, 24(5), 987-997.原文链接

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[44] Cheng, W., Liao, X., Shen,C., Peng, S., & Li, S. (2008, June). Monitoring Diffusible Event with Point-Sensing Sensors. In Innovative Computing Information and Control, 2008. ICICIC'08. 3rd International Conference on (pp. 592-592). IEEE.原文链接

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