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Wireless in The Era of IoT: From Indoor Localization to Ubiquitous Sensing
浏览次数:日期:2019-06-17编辑:信科院 科研办

时间:2019年6月21日上午10: 00




熊杰博士是美国麻省大学阿姆斯特分校信息工程与计算机科学学院助理教授。2005年获新加坡南洋理工大学一等荣誉学位,2009年获美国杜克大学硕士学位,2015年获英国伦敦大学学院计算机博士学位,2015至17年在新加坡管理大学信息系统学院担任助理教授,2018年加入美国麻省大学阿姆斯特分校担任助理教授。博士期间获得谷歌欧洲博士奖学金,博士论文获得英国计算机协会2016年优秀博士论文第二名。研究方向包括无线感知,无线网络以及移动计算。研究成果发表在计算机顶级会议ACM MOBICOM, UBICOMP, CONEXT, USENIX NSDI以及IEEE INFOCOM, ICDCS上;获得ACM CONEXT 2014最佳论文以及ACM SenSys 2018最佳Poster。过去几年担任ACM MOBICOM, MOBISYS, USENIX NSDI TPC.


Wireless is ubiquitous and playing increasingly important roles in our everyday lives. While wireless technologies have achieved a great success in data communication, wireless signals are further exploited in recent years to enable a large range of exciting new applications including indoor localization, gesture recognition, respiration sensing and even material identification with WiFi and RFID hardware. Several sensing systems will be introduced in this talk. i) ArrayTrack (NSDI '13) is the first indoor localization system hosted on Wi-Fi infrastructure to achieve an accuracy below 50 cm; ii) ToneTrack (MobiCom '15) is another Wi-Fi based system which breaks the bandwidth limit for time-based localization; iii) TagScan (MobiCom '17) is able to differentiate very similar liquids such as Pepsi and Coke with just commodity RFID hardware; iv) ResTrack (UbiComp '18) with commodity WiFi hardware is able to monitor subtle human respiration accurately without any device attached to the target; and v) Ipanel (UbiComp '19) is able to turn your desk surface into an input panel with acoustic sensing.