以迁移学习故障诊断理论为基础,针对旋转机械故障数据的类间和类内不平衡问题,提出一个改进的域适应模型,称为“类别不平衡感知深度对抗性自适应网络(CIDAA)”。结合5 兆瓦参考传动链模型获得的轴承损伤数据集发现了故障诊断的类间和类内不平衡规律,结果表明,CIDAA 模型可以减少时变环境条件和类别不平衡数据的影响,从而比标准模型实现更高的故障分类准确性。
以无监督领域适应故障诊断为基础,针对开放集多源领域泛化故障诊断问题,提出一个多域对比编码(MDCC)框架,用于学习开放集域泛化表示。通过将多源领域的公共类别设置为“正对”,公共类别和私有类别之间设置为“负对”,以同时保留域唯一知识和跨域泛化知识。以两个多域数据集上的实验验证提出的MDCC 框架在开放集域泛化方面的优势。
1. B. Lu, A. Dibaj, Z. Gao, A. R. Nejad, and Y. Zhang, “A class-imbalance-aware domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of wind turbine drivetrains under different environmental conditions,” Ocean Engineering, pp. 116-902, 2024. (对应本文第三章)
2. B. Lu, Y. Zhang, Q. Sun, M. Li, and P. Li, “A dual-classifier mutual learning unsupervised domain adaptation network for intelligent diagnosis of rotary machinery under open-set conditions,” (Under review). (对应本文第四章)
3. 陆碧良,张英杰,孙庆帅,李蒲德,“基于加权对抗域自适应的旋转机械开放集跨域故障诊断,” (审稿中). (对应本文第四章)
4. B. Lu, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, H. Wei, and Q. Sun, “A novel sample selection approach based universal unsupervised domain adaptation for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 240, pp. 109-618, 2023. (对应本文第五章)
5. B. Lu, Y. Zhang, Q. Sun, M. Li, and P. Li, “A novel multidomain contrastive-coding-based open-set domain generalization framework for machinery fault diagnosis,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024. (对应本文第六章)
6. B. Lu, Z.-H. Liu, H.-L. Wei, L. Chen, H. Zhang, and X.-H. Li, “A deep adversarial learning prognostics model for remaining useful life prediction of rolling bearing,” IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 329–40, 2021.
7. B. Lu, A. Dibaj, Z. Gao, A. R. Nejad, and Y. Zhang, “A land-to-floating cross-domain wind turbine gearbox fault detection in different environmental conditions using deep adversarial neural network,” (Under review)
8. Liu, Z.H., Lu, B.L., Wei, H.L., Chen, L., Li, X.H. and Wang, C.T. A stacked auto-encoder based partial adversarial domain adaptation model for intelligent fault diagnosis of rotating machines. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,17(10), pp.6798-6809, 2020.
9. Zhu, H., Huang, Z., Lu, B., Cheng, F. and Zhou, C. Imbalance domain adaptation network with adversarial learning for fault diagnosis of rolling bearing. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 16(8), pp.2249-2257, 2022.
10. Zhu, H., Huang, Z., Lu, B. and Zhou, C. Bearing remaining useful life prediction of fatigue degradation process based on dynamic feature construction.International Journal of Fatigue, 164, p.107169, 2022.
11. Zhang, Y., Li, M., Zhang, Y., Hu, Z., Sun, Q. and Lu, B. An enhanced adaptive unscented kalman filter for vehicle state estimation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, pp.1-12, 2022.
12. Sun, Q., Zhang, Y., Lu, B. and Liu, H. Flow measurement-based self-adaptive line segment clustering model for leakage detection in water distribution networks. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 71, pp.1-13, 2022.