1. Guojin Zhong, Pan Wang, Jin Yuan*, Zhiyong Li, Long Chen, Multi-ResolutionDecomposable Diffusion Model for Non-Stationary Time Series Anomaly Detection,ICLR, 2025. (CAAI A)
2. Guojin Zhong, Jinhong Hu,Jiajun Chen, Jin Yuan*,Wenbo Pan.DECIDER: Difference-aware Constrastive Diffusion Model withAdversarial Perturbations for Image Change Captioning, AAAI, 2025. (CCF A)
3. Xu Zhang, Jin Yuan*, Hanwang Zhang , GuojinZhong, Yongsheng Zang, JiachengLin , Zhiyong Li*. SGDiff: Scene Graph GuidedDiffusion Model for Image Collaborative SegCaptioning, AAAI, 2025.(CCF A)
4. Xu Zhang, Kailun Yang,Jiacheng Lin, Jin Yuan*,Zhiyong Li, and Shutao Li. PVPUFormer: Probabilistic Visual Prompt UniffedTransformer for Interactive Image Segmentation, IEEETransactions on Image Processing, VOL.33, 2024.(CCF A)
5. Guojin Zhong, Yifu Guo, JinYuan*,Qianjun Zhang, Weili Guan, Long Chen. PROMOTE:Prior-Guided DiffusionModel with Global-Local Contrastive Learning for Exemplar-Based ImageTranslation, ACM International Conference on Multimedia,2024. (CCF A)
6. Zian Wang , Xianghui Liao , Jin Yuan* ,You Yao , Zhiyong Li, CDC-YOLOFusion: Leveraging Cross-scale DynamicConvolution Fusion for Visible-Infrared Object Detection, in IEEE Transactionson IntelligentVehicles,2024. (SCI一区) 代码: https://github.com/Morph-3800/CDC_YOLOFusion
7. Zhiqiang Xiao, Jiacheng Lin,Jiajun Chen, Haolong Fu, Yifan Li, JinYuan*, and Zhiyong Li. PrivacyPreservation Network with Global-aware Focal Loss for Interactive PersonalVisual Privacy Preservation. Neurocomputing,2024. (SCI二区)
8. HaolongFu, Jin Yuan*,etc. CF-Deformable DETR:anEnd-to-end Alignment-free Model for Weakly Aligned Visible-infrared Object Detection[C].International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,2024. (CCF A)
9. Haolong Fu, Hanhao Liu, JinYuan*,Xuan He, Jiacheng Lin, and Zhiyong Li,YOLO-Adaptor: AFast Adaptive One-StageDetector for Non-Aligned Visible-Infrared Object Detection, IEEE Transactionson Intelligent Vehicles, 2024.(SCI一区)
10. XuanHe, Zian Wang, Jiacheng Lin , Ke Nai, JinYuan*, andZhiyong Li,DO-SA&R:Distant Object Augmented Set Abstraction and Regression forPoint-Based 3D Object Detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2023.(CCF A)代码:https://github.com/mikasa3lili/
11. GuojinZhong, JinYuan*, Pan Wang, Kailun Yang, Weili Guan,Zhiyong Li. Contrast-augmented Diffusion Model with Fine-grained SequenceAlignment for Markup-to-Image Generation, ACM International Conference onMultimedia,2023. (CCF A)代码:https://github.com/zgj77/FSACDM
12. Lin, Jiacheng, Dai, Xianwen,Nai, Ke, Yuan, Jin*,Li, Zhiyong, Zhang, Xu, and Li,Shutao . " BRPPNet: Balanced privacy protection network for referringpersonal image privacy protection". Expert Systems with Applications, 233(2023): 120960.(SCI一区)代码:https://github.com/lab206/BRPPNet
13. He,Xuan, Jin Yuan*, Mengyao Li, Runmin Wang, Haidong Wang,and Zhiyong Li. "A Text-Specific Domain Adaptive Network for Scene TextDetection in the Wild." Applied Intelligence (2023):1-13.(SCI二区)代码:https://github.com/mikasa3lili/
14. He,Xuan, Zhiyong Li, Jiacheng Lin, KeNai, Jin Yuan, YifanLi, and Runmin Wang." Domain adaptive multigranularity proposal networkfor text detection under extreme traffic scenes." Computer Vision andImage Understanding 233 (2023): 103709.(CCF B)代码:https://github.com/mikasa3lili/
15. He,Xuan, Fan Yang, Jiacheng Lin, HaolongFu, Jin Yuan*,Kailun Yang, and Zhiyong Li."SSD-MonoDETR: Supervised Scale-awareDeformable Transformer for Monocular3D Object Detection," in IEEETransactions on Intelligent Vehicles,2023.(SCI一区)代码:https://github.com/mikasa3lili/
16. Jin Yuan*, Shuai Zhu, ShuyinHuang, Hanwang Zhang, Yaoqiang Xiao, Zhiyong Li*, and MengWang, Discriminative Style Learning for Cross-domain Image Captioning, IEEETransactions on Image Processing,2022, PP:1-14.(CCF A)
17. Handong Wang, Xuan He, ZhiyongLi*, Jin Yuan*,and Shutao Li, JDAN: Joint Detection andAssociation Network for Real-Time Online Multi-Object Tracking, ACMTransactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, andApplications, 2022, Accepted. (CCF B)
18. Haidong Wang, ZhiyongLi*, Ke Nai, Jin Yuan, ShutaoLi, XianghuaLi, BTN: Neuroanatomical aligningbetween visual object tracking in deep neural network and smooth pursuit in brain. Neurocomputing 486: 16-26 (2022). (SCI 二区)
19. Zhiyong Li*,Chenming Hu, Ke Nai, Jin Yuan,Siamese target estimation network with AIoU loss for real-time visual tracking,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 77(6),2021. (CCF C)
20. Zhiyong Li*,Jingyi Lv, Ying Chen, JinYuan, Person re-identification with part prediction alignment,Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 205, 2021. (CCFB)
21. Yaoqiang Xiao, Yi Li, JinYuan, History-based attention in seq2seq model for multi-label text classification, Knowledge-BasedSystems, 2021. (CCF C)
22. Jin Yuan*,Lei Zhang,Songrui Guo,YiXiao,and Zhiyong Li, Imagecaptioning with a joint attention mechanism by visual concept samples, ACMTransactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, andApplications, 2020, 16(3). (CCF B)
23. Zhihao Ye,Gongyao Jiang, Ye Liu, Zhiyong Li, JinYuan* , Document and Word RepresentationsGenerated by Graph Convolutional Network and BERT for Short Text Classification,European Conference on ArtificialIntelligence 2020.(CCF B)
24. Yiqiang Wu, Zhiyong Li, YingChen , Ke Nai , Jin Yuan*, Real-time traffic signdetection and classification towards real traffic scene. Multimedia Toolsand Applications, 79(25), 18201-18219,2020. (CCF C)
25. Xianyi Zhu, JinYuan*, Yi Xiao, YanZheng, Zheng Qin, Stroke classification forsketch segmentation by fine-tuning a developmental vggnet16. MultimediaTools and Applications, 79(45),33891-33906,2020. (CCF C)
26. Jin Yuan*, Heng-Chang Xiong, Yi Xiao,Weili Guan, Meng Wang, Richang Hong, and ZhiYong Li, Gated CNN: Integratingmulti-scale feature layers for object detection, Pattern Recognition, 105(2019) 107-131. (CCF B)
27. Jin Yuan*, Xingxing Hou, Yaoqiang Xiao,Da Cao and Liqiang Nie, Multi-Criteria Active Deep Learning for ImageClassification. Journal of Knowledge-based System, 2019,172: 86-94. (CCF C)
28. Y. Chen, J. Yuan,Z. Y. Li, Y. Q. Wu, M.Nouioua, G. Q.Xie,“Person re-identification based on re-ranking withexpanded k-reciprocal nearest neighbors”, Journal of Visual Communication and ImageRepresentation, volume 58,pp 486–494, 2019. (CCF C)
29. Y. Zheng, X. Cao, Y. Xiao, X.Y.Zhu and J. Yuan*, “Joint residual pyramid for joint image super-resolution”,Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, volume 58, pp 53-62,2019. (CCF C)
30. Y. Xiao, C. Pan, Y. Zheng, X.Y. Zhu, Z. Qin, and J.Yuan, “ Gradient- Guided DCNN forInverse Halftoning and Image Expanding”, Asian Conference on Computer Vision2018. (CCF C)
31. J. Yuan, D. Xu, H. C. Xiong and Z. Y.Li, “A Novel Object Tracking Algorithm based on Enhanced Perception Hash andOnline Template Matching”, IEEE Internaltional Conference on NaturalComputation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2016.
32. Jin Yuan*, Yiliang Zhao, Huangbo Luan,Meng Wang and Tat-seng Chua. Memory Recall based Video Search: Finding VideosYou Have Seen Before based on Your Memory, ACM Transactions on MultimediaComputing, Communications, and Applications,2014, 10(2). (CCF B)
33. X. J. Zhao, J. Yuan, M. Wang,G. D. Li, R. C. Hong, Z. J. Li, T.–S. Chua, “Video recommendation over multipleinformation sources.” Journal on Multimedia System, volumn 19, page 3-15,2013. (CCF C)
34. J. Yuan, H. -B. Luan, D. J. Hou, H.Zhang, Y. -Tao Zheng, Z. –J. Zha, T.-S.Chua, “Video Browser Showdown by NUS.”ACM International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, page 642-645, 2012. (CCF C)
35. X. J. Zhao, J.Yuan, R. C. Hong, M.Wang, Z. J. Li, T. -S. Chua, “On VideoRecommendation over Social Network.“,ACM International Conference on MultimediaModeling,page 149-160,2012. (CCF C)
36. X. J. Zhao, J.Yuan, G. D. Li, T. -S. Chua.” Relationship Strength Estimation forOnline Social Networks with the Study on Facebook”, Journal on Neurocomputing,volumn 95, page 89-97, 2012. (CCF C)
37. Jin Yuan, Zhengjun Zha, Yantao Zheng,Meng Wang, Xiangdong Zhou and Tat-seng Chua, Utilizing Related Samples toEnhance Interactive Concept-Based Video Search, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia13(6): 1343-1355, 2011. (CCF B)
38. Jin Yuan, Zhengjun Zha, Yantao Zheng,Meng Wang, Xiangdong Zhou and Tat-seng Chua, Learning Concept Bundles forVideo Search with Complex Queries, ACM International Conference on Multimedia,2011. (CCF A)
39. X. J. Zhao, G. D. Li, M.Wang, J. Yuan, Z.-J Zha, Z. J. Li, T.-S Chua,“Integrating Rich Information for VideoRecommendation with Multi-Task Rank Aggregation”, ACM International Conferenceon Multimedia, 2011. (CCF A)
40. J. Yuan, Z. -J. Zha, Z. D. Zhao,X. D. Zhou, and T. -S. Chua, “Utilizing related samples to learn complexqueries in interactive concept-based video search.” ACM InternationalConference on Image and Video Retrieval, 2010. (CCF B)
41. X. Y. Chen, J.Yuan, L. Q. Nie, Z. -J.Zha, S. C. Yan and T. -S. Chua, “TRECVID2010 Known-item Search by NUS”,TRECVID Workshop, 2010.