List of IEEEJournal Publications
[1] Junjie Li, Liang Yang, Qingqing Wu, XianfuLei, Fuhui Zhou, Feng Shu, Xidong Mu, Yuanwei Liu, Pingzhi Fan, Active RIS-Aided NOMA-Enabled Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks with Cognitive Radio, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2024.
[2] Fasong Wang, Meng Lu, Xingwang Li, Liang
Yang, Shahid Mumtaz, and Arumugam
Nallanathan, Enhancing secrecy of indoor optical RIS aided SSK VLC downlink, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2025.
[3] Yin, Yiyang; Yang, Liang; Li, Xingwang; Liu, Hongwu; Guo, Kefeng; Li, Yingsong, On the Performance of Active RIS-Assisted Mixed RF-THz Relaying Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2025.
[4] Wenwu Xie, Zilong Li, Chao Yu, Hongbo Xu, Ji Wang,
Weimin Wu, Xingwang Li, and Liang Yang, Movable Antenna-Assisted Covert Communications with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
[5] Zhichen Xiao, Liang Yang, Petros S.Bithas, Imran Shafique Ansari, Xingwang Li, Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Performance Analysis of Mixed Underwater Acoustic/Optical Relaying Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2024.
[6]Xuquan Luo, Liang Yang, Alexandros-Apostolos A. Boulogeorgos, Performance Assessment of Active-RIS-Assisted Mixed RF-UAC Systems, IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology, 2024.
[7] K. W. Huang, S. Shi, H. M. Wang, L. Yang, Covert Communications in Active Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Based Symbiotic Radio Systems, IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology, 2024.
[8]Yiran Zhang, Zhichen Xiao, Liang Yang, Petros S. Bithas, Mazen O. Hasna,George K. Karagiannidis,Mixed RF/FSO Communication Systems with Rate Splitting, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2024.
[9]Jiangling Cao, Liang Yang, Dingcheng Yang, Tiankui Zhang, Lin Xiao, Hongbo Jiang, and Dusit Niyato, Trajectory Optimization and Pick-up and Delivery Sequence Designfor Cellular-Connected Cargo UAVs, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing,2024.
[10] C. Yu, C. Feng, W. Xie, P. Zhu, X. Peng, L. Yang, RIS-NOMA Assisted Covert Transmission for Integrated Sensing and Communication With Statistical CSI, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024.
[11] Zhang Yiran, Yang Liang, Li Xingwang, Guo Kefeng, Liu Hongwu, Covert Communications for STAR-RIS-Assisted Industrial Networks with a Full Duplex Receiver and RSMA, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
[12] Peng Chen, Liang Yang, Ji Wang, Wenwu Xie, Xingwang Li, Zhi Yan, and HongwuLiu, Covert Transmission and Physical-Layer Security of Active RIS-RS-NOMA-Aided Communication Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
[13] F. Xiao, M. Wen, L. Yang, T. A.Tsiftsis, H. Liu, Intelligent Rate-Splitting Multiple Access-Enabled Coordinated Direct and Relay Transmission, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2024.
[14] Zhang Yiran, Yang Liang, Li Xingwang, GuoKefeng, Liu Hongwu, Bian Yougang, STARRIS-Assisted IoV NOMA Networks With Hardware Impairments and Imperfect CSI, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.
[15] X Li, X Wang, H Zhang, Y Xu, L. Yang, M Huang, W Hao, G Huang, QoS-Aware Performance Analysis of Full-Duplex RSMA Vehicle Road Cooperation Systems, IEEE Internet of ThingsJournal, 2024.
[16] Yongfu Luo, Yi Wu, and Liang Yang, Covert Communication and Physical Layer Security of RS-Aided Wireless Communication Systems Over α-η-κ-μ Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024.
[17] Shiwei Fu, Yi Wu, Liang Yang, Performance Analysis of RS-Aided THz Communication Systems With Hardware Impairments, IEEE Transactions on VehicularTechnology, 2024.
[18]Jinming Xiang, Liang Yang, KefengGuo, Nikola Zlatanov, Yi Wu, Performance Evaluation of UAV-Aided Radio Frequency-UAC Relaying Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
[19] Liang Yang, Jinming Xiang, Sai Li,Xingwang Li, Kefeng Guo, Mazen O. Hasna, and Petros S.Bithas, Performance Analysis of Relay-Aided Satellite-Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024.
[20] Sai Li and Liang Yang, Analysis of a Mixed Multi-User Underwater Acoustic Communication/Free Space Optical Heterogeneous Relaying System, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024.
[21]Xueyu Kang, Hongjiang Lei, Liang Yang, Gaofeng Pan, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Hongwu Liu, Active-RIS-Aided Covert Communications in NOMA Systems With Cooperative Jamming, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023.
[22] Sai Li, Liang Yang, Daniel Benevides da Costa, and Siyuan Yu, Performance Analysis of UAV-based Mixed RF-UWOC Transmission Systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.69,no.8, pp.5559-5572, Aug.2021.
[23] Sai Li, Liang Yang, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Marco Di Renzo and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, On the Performance of RIS-Assisted Dual-Hop Mixed RF-UWOC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol.7, no.2,pp.340-353, June 2021.
[24]Sai Li,Liang Yang, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Jiayi Zhang and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Mixed RF-UWOC Dual-Hop Transmission Systems, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.1, pp.14043-14048, Nov.2020.
[25] Liang Yang, Wei Zhang, Petros S. Bithas,Hongwu Liu, Mazen O. Hasna, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, and Derrick Wing KwanNg, Covert Transmission and Secrecy Analysis of RS-RIS-NOMA-Aided 6G Wireless Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.72, no.8, pp. 10659 - 10670, Aug. 2023.
[26] Yujie Hong, Liang Yang, Zehui Xiong, SalilS. Kanhere,Hongbo Jiang, OCHJRNChain: A Blockchain-Based Security Data Sharing Framework for Online Car-Hailing Journey, IEEE Transactionson Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
[27] Yujie Hong, Liang Yang, Wei Liang, AnkeXie, Secure Access Control for Electronic Health Records in Blockchain-Enabled Consumer Internet of Medical Things, IEEE Transactionson Consumer Electronics, 2023.
[28] Hongxing Peng, Musen Liu, Liang Yang, Ming Zeng, Ji Wang, Kefeng Guo and Xingwang Li, Ambient Backscatter Communication Symbiotic Intelligent Transportation Systems: Covertness Performance Analysis and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023.
[29] Kefeng Guo, Haifeng Shuai, Xingwang Li, Liang Yang, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Arumugam Nallanathan, and Min Wu, Two-Way Satellite-HAP-Terrestrial Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023.
[30] Kefeng Guo, Rui Liu, Xingwang Li, Liang Yang, Kang An, and Yuzhen Huang, Outage Performance of RIS-Assisted Cognitive Non-Terrestrial Network with NOMA, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2023.
[31] Xingwang Li, Xuesong Gao, Liang Yang, Hongwu Liu, Ji Wang, Khaled M. Rabie, Dawei Qiao, Performance Analysis of STAR-RIS-CR-NOMA Based Consumer IoT Networks for Resilient Industry5.0, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2023.
[32] P. Chen, L. Yang, H. Liu, G. Pan, Y. Li, Z. Yan, Active RIS-NOMA-Aided Covert Communication With Hardware Impairments, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,2023.
[33] M. Zhu, K. Guo, Y. Ye, L. Yang, T. A.Tsiftsis, H. Liu, Active RIS Aided Covert Communications for MISO-NOMA Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2023.
[34] Zhichen Xiao, Liang Yang, Zhi Yan, Yougang Bian, RIS-Assisted Full-Duplex Relaying Systems With Imperfect CSI and Hardware Impairments, IEEE Communications Letters, 2023.
[35] Xueyu Kang, Hongjiang Lei, Liang Yang,Gaofeng Pan, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, Hongwu Liu, Active-RIS-Aided Covert Communications in NOMA Systems With Cooperative Jamming,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023.
[36] Shutong Wang, Liang Yang,Xingwang Li, Kefeng Quo, Hongwu Liu, Houbing Song and Rutvij H.Jhaveri, Performance Analysis of Satellite-Vehicle Networks With a Non-Terrestrial Vehicle, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023.
[37] Kewen Huang, Huiming Wang, Liang Yang, Smart Jamming Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface: Asymptotic Analysis and Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023.
[38]Quanzhong Li, Hualiang Luo, and Liang Yang, Joint Optimization of Secure Over-the-Air Computation and Reliable Multicasting Assisted by a MIMO Untrusted Two-Way Relay, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
[39] Shenghai Chen, Liang Yang, Qi Zhu, Yongjie Yuan, Imran Shafique Ansari, and Guofu Zhu, On the Performance of the UAV RIS-Assisted Dual-Hop PLC-RF Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3261559, 2023.
[40] Sai Li, Yin Yang, Liang Yang, Yougang Bian, On the Study of Multiuser Mixed Dual-Hop RF/THz Systems, IEEE Transactionson Vehicular Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3251349, 2023.
[41] Shiguo Wang, Min Zhu, Zhetao Li, Liang Yang,Cheng-Xiang Wang, Rukhsana Ruby, Antenna Selection Strategies for Massive MIMO Systems with Limited-Resolution ADCs/DACs, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, DOI:10.1109/TWC.2023.3260002, 2023.
[42]Pengxu Chen, Hongwu Liu, Yinghui Ye, Liang Yang, Kyeong Jin Kim, and TheodorosA.Tsiftsis, Rate-Splitting Multiple Access Aided Mobile Edge Computing with Randomly Deployed Users, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, DOI: 10.1109/JSAC.2023.3240786, 2023.
[43] Sai Li, Liang Yang, Jiayi Zhang, Petros S. Bithas, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis, and Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Mixed THz/FSO Relaying Systems: Statistical Analysis and Performance Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.21, no.12, pp.10996-11010,Dec.2022.
[44] Hualiang Luo, Quanzhong Li, Liang Yang, and Jiayin Qin, An Efficient Algorithm for Robust Fractional QCQP and Its Applications to Multiuser Beamforming With Bounded Channel Uncertainties, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.70,pp.6096-6111, Dec. 2022.
[45] Sai Li and Liang Yang, Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop THz Transmission Systemsover - Fading Channels with Pointing Errors, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.9, no.14, 2022.
[46] Liang Yang, Pinhui Li, Fanxu Meng, SiyuanYu, Performance Analysis of RIS-Assisted UAV Communication Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70, no.5, 2022.
[47] Yang, Liang; Zhu, Qi; Yan, Xiaoqin; Li, Sai;Jiang, Hongbo, Performance Analysis of Mixed PLC-FSO Dual-Hop Communication Systems, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.9,no.19, 2022.
[48] Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Mazen O. Hasna, andErtugrul Basar, A Novel RIS-Assisted Modulation Scheme, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2021.3068150, 2021.
[49] Fengcheng Xiao, Xingwang Li, Liang Yang, Hongwu Liu, Theodoros A Tsiftsis, Outage Performance Analysis of RSMA-Aided Semi-Grant-Free Transmission Systems, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2023.
[50] Ping Yang, Liang Yang, Weichao Kuang, Shanjin Wang, Outage Performance of Cognitive Radio Networks With a Coverage-Limited RIS for InterferenceElimination, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022.
[51] Liang Yang, Qi Zhu, Li Sai, Ansari Imran Shafique,Yu, Siyuan, On the Performance of Mixed FSO-UWOC Dual-Hop TransmissionSystems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LWC.2021.3091429, 2021.
[52] Yang Ping, Yang Liang, Wang Shanjin, Performance Analysis for RIS-Aided Wireless Systems with Imperfect CSI, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LWC.2021.3136930, 2021.
[53] ArthurS. de Sena, Pedro H. J. Nardelli, Daniel B. da Costa, F. Rafael M. Lima,Liang Yang, Petar Popovski, Zhiguo Ding, and Constantinos B. Papadias, IRS-Assisted Massive MIMO-NOMA Networks:Exploiting Wave Polarization, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, vol.20, no.11, pp.7166-7183, Nov. 2021.
[54] Liang Yang, Pinghui Li, Yin Yang, Sai Li, Imene Trigui, andRongchang Ma, Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Networks With Co-channel Interference, IEEE Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LCOMM.2021.3122468, 2021.
[55] Yu Jin, Jiayi Zhang, Chongwen Huang,Liang Yang, Huahua Xiao, Bo Ai, Multiple Residual Dense Networks for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Cascaded Channel Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.71, no.2, pp.2134-2139, Feb. 2022.
[56] Hualiang Luo, Quanzhong Li, Liang Yang, and Jiayin Qin, A Fast Algorithm for Fractional QCQP and Applications to Secure Beamforming in Cognitive Nonorthogonal Multiple Access Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.69, pp.6237-6250, 2021.
[57] Imran Shafique Ansari, Latif Jan, Yutong Tang, and Liang Yang, Outage and Error Analysis of Dual-Hop TAS/MRC MIMO RF-UOWC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70, no.10, pp.10093-10104, Oct. 2021.
[58] Liang Yang, Qi Zhu, Li Sai, Ansari Imran Shafique,Siyuan Yu, On the Performance of Mixed FSO-UWOC Dual-Hop Transmission Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LWC.2021.3091429, 2021.
[59] Liang Yang, Xiaoqin Yan, Daniel B. da Costa,and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Mixed PLC/RF Communication Systems, IEEE System Journal, vol.16, no.2, pp.2867-2878, 2022.
[60] Jiakuo Zuo, Yuanwei Liu, Liang Yang, Lingyang Song, Ying-Chang Liang, Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enhanced NOMA Assisted Backscatter Communication System, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.70,no.7, pp.7261-7266, July 2021.
[61] Anas Mohamed Aatef Ata Salhab, Liang Yang, RIS-Equipped RF Source vs RIS-Aided RF Source, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, DOI:10.1109/LWC.2021.3077960, 2021.
[62] Brena K. S. Lima, Daniel B. da Costa, Liang Yang, F. Rafael M. Lima, Rodolfo Oliveira, and Ugo S. Dias,Adaptive Power Factor Allocation for Cooperative Full-Duplex NOMA Systems with Imperfect SIC and Rate Fairness, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.1, pp.14061-14066, Nov.2020.
[63] Jair deCarvalho, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Liang Yang, George Alexandropoulos, Rodolfo Oliveira, Ugo Dias, User Fairness in Wireless Powered Communication Networks with Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.10,no.1,pp.189-193, Jan.2021.
[64] Liang Yang, Yin Yang, Daniel Benevides da Costa, and ImeneTrigui, Outage Probability and Capacity Scaling Law of Multiple RIS-Aided Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.10.no.2, pp.256-260, Feb.2021.
[65] Wei Zhang, Siwang Zhou,Dan Peng, Liang Yang, Fangmin Li, Hui Yin, Understanding and Modeling of WiFiSignal based Indoor Privacy Protection, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.8, no.3, pp.2000-2010, Feb. 2021.
[66] Liang Yang, Xiaoqin Yan, Daniel Benevides da Costa, Theodoros Tsiftsis, Hong-Chuan Yang, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Indoor Mixed Dual-Hop VLC/RF Systems Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9,no.11,pp.1995-1999, Nov.2020.
[67] Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Qingqing Wu, Daniel Benevides da Costa,Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Accurate Closed-Form Approximations to Channel Distributions of RIS-Aided Wireless Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.9, no.11, pp.1985-1989, Nov.2020.
[68] Liang Yang, Jinxia Yang, Wenwu Xie, Mazen O. Hasna, Theodoros Tsiftsis, Marco Di Renzo, Secrecy Performance Analysis of RIS-Aided Wireless Communication Systems,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69,no.10, pp.12296-12300, Oct.2020.
[69] Liang Yang, Fanxu Meng, Jiayi Zhang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Marco Di Renzo, On the Performance of RIS-Assisted Dual-Hop UAV Communication Systems, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.69.no.9, pp.10385-10390, 2020.
[70] Sai Li, Liang Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Jiayi Zhang, Amount of Secrecy Loss:A Novel Metric for Physical Layer Security Analysis, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.24, no.8, pp.1626-1630,Aug.2020.
[71] Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Peng Zhang, Julian Cheng, and Liang Yang, Performance Analysis of 5G Mobile Relay Systems for High-Speed Trains, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,vol.38, no.12, pp.2760-2772, Dec.2020.
[72] Yan Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Bo Ai, On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems over Mixed FSO/mmWave Fading Channels, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, DOI:10.1109/OJCOMS.2020.2987927, 2020.
[73] Liang Yang, Yin Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Coverage, Probability of SNR Gain,and DOR Analysis of RIS-Aided Communication Systems, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,vol.9, no.8, pp.1268-1272, Aug.2020.
[74] Liang Yang, Wang Guo, and Imran Shafique Ansari, Mixed Dual-Hop FSO-RF Communication Systems Through Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.24, no.7, pp.1558-1562, July 2020.
[75] Zhishan Deng, Quanzhong Li, Qi Zhang, Liang Yang, and Jiayin Qin, Beamforming Design for Physical Layer Security in a Two-Way Cognitive Radio IoT Networkwith SWIPT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal,vol.6, no.6, pp.10786-10798, Dec.2019.
[76] Zhu Xiao, Xingxia Dai, Hongbo Jiang, Dong Wang, Hongyang Chen, Liang Yang, Fanzi Zeng, Vehicular Task Offloading via Heat-Aware MEC Cooperation Using Game-Theoretic Method, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.7, no.3, 2020.
[77] Hui Zhao, Zhedong Liu, Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Secrecy Analysis in DF Relay over Generalized-K Fading Channels,IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.67,no.10,pp.7168-7182, Oct. 2019.
[78] Siwang Zhou, Luyao Xu,Yonghe Liu, Liang Yang, Keqin Li, A DistributedCompressive Data Gathering Framework For Mobile Crowdsensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2921203,2019.
[79] Wei Zhang, Siwang Zhou, Liang Yang, Lu Ou, and ZhuXiao, WiFiMap+: High-Level Indoor Semantic Inference with WiFi HumanActivity and Environment, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol.68, no.8, pp.7890-7903, Aug. 2019.
[80] Li Quanzhong, Liang Yang, Beamforming for Cooperative Secure Transmission in Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, vol.15, no.1, 2020.
[81] Li Quanzhong, Liang Yang, Robust Optimization for Energy Efficiency in MIMO Two-Way Relay Networks with SWIPT, IEEE System Journal, vol.14, no.1, pp.196-207, Mar. 2020.
[82] Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang,Wenjie Wang, Hongchuan Yang, Yuanwei Liu, Mazen O. Hasna, Mohamed-Slim Alouini,A Novel Energy Harvesting Scheme for Mixed FSO-RF Relaying Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,vol.68, no.8, pp.8259-8263,Aug. 2019.
[83] Hui Zhao, Jiayi Zhang, Liang Yang, Gaofeng Pan, Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Secure mmWave Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.8, no.4, pp.1171-1174,Aug.2019.
[84] Hui Zhao, Liang Yang, Ahmed S. Salem, Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Ergodic Capacity under Power Adaption Over Fisher-Snedecor F Fading Channels, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.23, pp.546-549, Mar.2019.
[85] Liang Yang, Jinhai Yuan, Xinxin Liu, Mazen O. Hasna, On the Performance of LAP-Based Multiple-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEETransactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol.55,no.1, pp.499-505, Feb. 2019.
[86] Liang Yang,Ting Liu, Jianchao Chen, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical-Layer Security for Mixed and M-Distribution Dual-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.12, pp.12427-12431, Dec.2018.
[87] Liang Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, and Imran Shafique Ansari,Physical Layer Security for TAS/MRC Systems With and Without Co-channel Interference Over Fading Channels, IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.12, pp.12421-12426, Dec. 2018.
[88] Liang Yang, Jianchao Chen, Mazen O. Hasna, and Hong-Chuan Yang, Outage Performance of UAV-Assisted Relaying Systems with RF Energy Harvesting, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2471-2474, Dec. 2018.
[89] Zhaohui Liao, Liang Yang, Jianchao Chen, Hong-Chuan Yang, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical LayerSecurity For Dual-Hop VLC/RF Communication Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.22, no.12, pp.2603-2606, Dec.2018.
[90] Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Cooperative NOMA Schemes in Spatially Random Relaying Networks,IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.33159-33168, June 2018.
[91] Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Imran Shafique Ansari, Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying FSO Networks with Nonzero Boresight Pointing Errors Over Double-Generalized Gamma Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.8,pp.7800-7805, Aug. 2018.
[92] Quanzhong Li and Liang Yang,Artificial Noise Aided Secure Precoding for MIMO Untrusted Two-Way Relay Systems with Perfect and Imperfect Channel State Information, IEEETransactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.13, no.10, pp.2628-2638, Oct.2018.
[93] Jianchao Chen, Liang Yang, Mohamed-SlimAlouini,Physical Layer Security for Cooperative NOMA Systems, IEEE Transactionson Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.5, pp.4645-4649, May 2018.
[94] Ling Wu, Liang Yang, Jianchao Chen, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Physical Layer Security for Cooperative Relaying Over Generalized-K Fading Channels,IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol.7, no.4, pp.606-609, Aug. 2018.
[95] Quanzhong Li, Liang Yang,Qi Zhang, and Jiayin Qin, Robust AN-Aided Secure Precoding for an AF MIMO Untrusted Relay System, IEEE Transactions onVehicular Technology, vol.66, no.11, pp.10572-10576,Nov.2017.
[96] Liang Yang, Mazen O. Hasna, Imran Shafique Ansari,Unified Performance Analysis for Multiuser Mixed and M-Distribution Dual-Hop RF/FSO Systems, IEEETransactions on Communications,vol.65,no.8, pp.3601-3613, Aug. 2017.
[97] Liang Yang, Mazen Omar Hasna, Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Networks With Co-Channel Interference, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.63, no.12,pp.5052-5061, 2015.
[98] Liang Yang, Mazen Omar Hasna, and Xiqi Gao, Performance of Mixed RF/FSO with Variable Gain over Generalized Atmospheric TurbulenceChannels, IEEE Journalon Selected Areas in Communications, vol.33, no. 9,pp.1913-1924, 2015.
[99] Han Zhang, Shan Gao, Dong Li, Hongbin Chen, Liang Yang,On Superimposed Pilot for ChannelEstimation in Multi-cell Multiuser MIMO Uplink:Large System Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.65,no.3, pp.1492-1505, 2016.
[100] Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, and Xiqi Gao, Performance Analysis of Two-Way Relaying Networks with the Nth Worst Relay Selection Over Various Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.64, no.7, pp.3321-3327, July2015.
[101] Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Relay-Assisted All-Optical FSO Networks Over Strong Atmospheric Turbulence Channels with Pointing Errors, IEEE Journal Lightwave of Technology, vol.32, no. 23, pp. 4613-4620, 2014.
[102] Liang Yang, Xiqi Gao, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Performance Analysis of Free-Space Optical Communication Systems with Multiuser Diversity Over Atmospheric Turbulence Channels, IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.6,No.2, Apr.2014.
[103] Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Two-Way Relaying with Co-Channel Interference and Channel Estimation Error, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.61, no.6, pp.2221-2231, 2013.
[104] Liang Yang, Khalid Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin, and Mohamed-SlimAlouini,Performance Analysis of Distributed Beamforming in a Spectrum Sharing System, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.62,no.4, pp.1655-1666, 2013.
[105] Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Khalid Qaraqe, and Weiping Liu, On the Performance of Dual-Hop Systems with Multiple Antennasat Destination: Effects of Spatial correlation, Keyhole, and Co-Channel Interference, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol.60, no.12,pp.3541-3547, 2012.
[106] Liang Yang, Q. T. Zhang, Performance Analysis of MIMO Relay Wireless Networks with Orthogonal STBC, IEEE Transactionson Vehicular Technology, vol.59, no.7, pp.3668-3674, 2010.
[107] Liang Yang, Jiayin Qin, Performance of Alamouti scheme with transmit antenna selection for M-ray signals, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.5, No.12, pp.3365-3369,Dec.2006.
[108] Liang Yang, Khalid A. Qaraqe, Erchin Serpedin,Mohamed-Slim Alouini,Weiping Liu, Cognitive Radio Networks with Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding and Multiuser Diversity. IEEE Communications Letters,vol.17,no.4, pp.685-688, 2013.
[109] Liang Yang, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, and Khalid Qaraqe, On the Performance of Spectrum Sharing Systems with Two-Way Relaying and Multiuser Diversity, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.16,no.8, pp.1240-1243, Aug.2012.
[110] Liang Yang, Mohamed-SlimAlouini, Outage Probability of Distributed Beamforming with Co-Channel Interference, IEEE Communications Letters,vol.16, no.3, pp.334-337, Mar. 2012.
[111] Liang Yang, Weiping Liu, On the Throughput of MIMO Relay Wireless Network with Receive Antenna Selection, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15,No.6 , pp.626-628, June 2011.
[112] Liang Yang, Outage Performance of MRT with Unequal-Power Co-Channel Interference and Channel Estimation Error, IEEE Communications Letters,Vol.11, No.7, pp.598-600, July 2007.
[113] Liang Yang,JiayinQin,Outage performance of MIMO MRC systems with unequal-power co-channel interference,IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.10, No.4,pp.245-247, 2006.