1. Wu Xiangqiong, Tan Guanghua, Zhu Ningbo, et al. CacheTrack-YOLO: Real-Time Detection and Tracking for Thyroid Nodules and Surrounding Tissues in Ultrasound Videos[J]. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2021,25,(10):3812-3823.
2. Duan Mingxing, Ouyang Aijia, Tan Guanghua, et al. Age Estimation Using Aging/Rejuvenation Features With Device-Edge Synergy[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2021,31,(2):608-620.
3. Xia Jun, Tan Guanghua, Xiao Yi, et al. EDGE-AWARE MULTI-SCALE PROGRESSIVE COLORIZATION[C]//IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 2021:1655-1659.
1. Tan Guanghua, Zhang Qiong, Hu Haiyang, et al. Fingerprint liveness detection based on guided filtering and hybrid image analysis[J]. IET Image Processing. 2020,14,(9):1710-1715.
2. Xiangqiong Wu, Guanghua Tan, KenLi Li, et al. Deep Parametric Active Contour Model for Neurofibromatosis Segmentation[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2020,112,(5):58-66.
3. Liu Gang, Xiao Zheng, Tan GuangHua, et al. Game theory-based optimization of distributed idle computing resources in cloud environments[J]. Theoretical Computer Science. 2020,806:468-488.
1. Tan Guanghua, Guo Zijun, Xiao Yi. PA-RetinaNet: Path Augmented RetinaNet for Dense Object Detection[C]//28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2019. 2019:138-149.
2. Zhu Xianyi, Xiao Yi, Tan Guanghua, et al. GPU-accelerated 2D OTSU and 2D entropy-based thresholding[J]. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing. 2019,33,(1).
3. Tan Guanghua, Miao Rui, Xiao Yi. Action recognition based on divide-and-conquer[C]//28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2019. 2019:157-167.
4. Liang Jie, Liu Chubo, Tan Guanghua, et al. Joint offloading and frequency scaling technology for mobile edge computing[C]//21st IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 17th IEEE International Conference on Smart City and 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems, HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2019. Zhangjiajie. 2019:2045-2052.
1. Zhou Shizhe, Zhou Chengfeng, Xiao Yi, Tan Guanghua. PatchSwapper: A novel real-time single-image editing technique by region-swapping[J]. Computers & Graphics-UK. 2018,73:80-87.
1. Guo Songrui, Tan Guanghua, Pan Huawei, et al. Face alignment under occlusion based on local and global feature regression[J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2017,76,(6):8677-8694. (doi:10.1007/s11042-016-3470-7)
· Guanghua Tan, Xianyi Zhu, Xuefei Liu. A free shape 3d modeling system forcreative design based on modified catmull-clark subdivision. MultimediaTools and Applications (2016). doi:10.1007/s11042-016-3305-6
· Songrui Guo, Huawei Pan,Guanghua Tan, et al. A High Invariance Motion Representation for Skeleton-BasedAction Recognition. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialIntelligence, 30(8): 1650018-1~1650018-19.
· GuanghuaTan, Hui Chen, Jun Qi. Anovel image matting method using sparse manual clicks. MultimediaTools and Applications (2015). doi:10.1007/s11042-015-3160-x
· 高娅莉,谭光华,郭松睿,范晓伟。基于样例的面部表情基生成,计算机工程,2015,41(3):258~261
· Guanghua Tan, Qi Jun, Chunming Gao et cl. Saliency-based Unsupervised ImageMatting. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and ArtificialIntelligence, 28(4), 2014: 1454001-1~1454001-17. (WOS: 000338020800006)
Changhui Li,Chunming Gao, Guanghua Tan, Songrui Guo. A Self-updating templateapproach for human action recognition using improved DTW. Journal ofinformation and computational science, 13(11), 2014: 4507-4515.
谭光华,周美兰,高春鸣。光学运动捕捉系统中标记点自动注册与预测算法,模式识别与人工智能,27(7),2014: 611-616。
Xukang Wang, GuanghuaTan and Chunming Gao. An Improved Conditional Regression Forests for FacialFeature Points Detection. Information Technology Journal, 13(13), 2014:2159-2164.
谭光华,李仁发。本科图形图像课程一体化教学模式,计算机教育,8, 2014:41-43.