5.主持国家自然科学基金,支持QoS的主动无线传感器网络中间件研究 (2010-2012)
1. Bassam Gumaida,Juan Luo,A hybrid particle swarm optimization with a variable neighborhood search for the localization enhancement in wireless sensor networks,Applied Intelligence,2019, 49(10), pp 3539–3557。(SCI 3区)
2. Juan Luo, Xin Fan, Luxiu Yin,Communication-aware and Energy Saving Virtual Machine Allocation Algorithm in Data Center,The 21th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC2019),2019.8,(CCF C)
3. Juan Luo, Zhenyan Zhang, Chunwang,Degui Xiao,Indoor Multi-floor Localization Method Based on WiFi Fingerprints and LDA,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2019,online 。(SCI 1区)
4. Luo, Juan; Yin, Luxiu; Hu, Jinyu; Wang, Chun; Liu, Xuan; Fan, Xin; Luo, Haibo,Container-based fog computing architecture and energy-balancing scheduling algorithm for energy IoT ,FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE,2019,97(8),50-60.(SCI 2区)
5. Jinyu Hu,Juan Luo*,Yanliu zheng,Keqin Li,Graphene-grid Deployment in Energy Harvesting Cooperative Wireless Sensor Networks for Green IoT,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2019, 15(3),1941-0050。(SCI 1区)
6. Ammar Al-Moalmi , Juan Luo*, Ahmad Salah and Kenli Li,Optimal Virtual Machine Placement Based on Grey Wolf Optimization,Electronics,2019, 8, 283,1-22;(SCI3区)
1. Luxiu Yin,Juan Luo*,Haibo Luo,Tasks Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Fog Computing Based on Containers for Smart Manufacturing,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2018, 11(1):112-121。(SCI 1区)
2. Juan Luo, Xixi Yin, Yanliu Zheng and Chun Wang,Secure Indoor Localization Based on Extracting Trusted Fingerprint,Sensors,2018, 18(2), 469-492。(SCI 2区)
3. Jinyu Hu,Juan Luo*,Keqin Li,Opportunistic Energy Cooperation Mechanism for Large Internet of Things,Mobile Networks and Applications,2018,3,1-14(SCI 3区)
4. Juan Luo, Weiqi Song, Luxiu Yin, Reliable Virtual Machine Placement Based on Multi-Objective Optimization with Traffic-Aware Algorithm in Industrial Cloud,IEEE access,2018,6,23043-23052(SCI 3区)
5. Juan Luo,Zhenyan zhang,Chang Liu,Haibo Luo, Reliable and Cooperative Target Tracking Based on WSN and WiFi in Indoor Wireless Networks ,IEEE access,2018,6,24846-14855(SCI 2区)
6. Gumaida, Bassam; Luo, Juan*, ELPMA: Efficient Localization Algorithm Based Path Planning for Mobile Anchor in Wireless Sensor Network, Wireless Personal Communications, 2018, 100(3) :721-744.(SCI ).
7.Chun wang,Juan Luo,Yanliu zheng,Optimal Target Tracking Based on Dynamic Fingerprint in Indoor Wireless Network,IEEE access,2018,6(12),77226 - 77239。(SCI 2区)
8.Juan Luo,Chun Wang , Yanliu Zheng , Huan Zhao , Zhiyong Li ,Degui Xiao ,Exploration and consideration on the course system construction of IoT specialty,The 13th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE 2018),August 8-11, 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka,373-377。(Ei)
9.Yanliu zheng,Juan Luo,Haibo Luo,Multi-Dimension Context-based Service Recommendation Algorithm in VANET,14th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN),2018,Dec.6-8。(Ei)
1. Luxiu Yin, Juan Luo*,Song Zhang, Zhangwei Yang,Virtual Machine Migration Scheme Based on Score Matrix in Data Centers,2017 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA),2017.12-15,737-743.(CCF C)
2. 杨倩,罗娟*,刘畅,基于上下文的VANET服务推荐中间件研究,计算机研究与发展,2017,54(9):1992-2000。
3. Juan Luo, Song Zhang, Luxiu Yin, Yaling Guo,Dynamic Flow Scheduling for Power Optimization of Data Center Networks,2017 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Cloud and Big Data,2017.8,pp57-62.
4. Nie, Jiawei; Luo, Juan*; Yin, Luxiu, Energy-aware Multi-dimensional Resource Allocation Algorithm in Cloud Data Center,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information systems,2017, 11(9):4165-4187.(SCI)
5. Gumaida, Bassam; Luo, Juan*,An Efficient Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network Localization Based on Hierarchical Structure Poly-Particle Swarm Optimization,Wireless Personal Communications, 2017,97 (1) :125-151.(SCI)
6. Gumaida, Bassam; Liu, Chang; Luo, Juan*,GTMA: Localization in Wireless Sensor Network Based a Group of Tri-Mobile Anchors,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2017.1(14), pp. 847-857.
7. Gumaida, Bassam; Luo, Juan*,Novel localization algorithm for wireless sensor network based on intelligent water drops,WIreless networks,2017 (11) :1-13
8. 罗娟,曾琼钰,杨倩,金鑫,钟涛,基于服务能力的VANET协同服务发现中间件,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2017:47(3),:466~471。
1. Juan Luo,Tao Zhong,Xin Jin,Service Discovery Middleware Based on QoS in VANET, 2016 12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD),2016,688-693.
2. Juan Luo, Zanyi 1.He, Junli Zha, Keqin Li ,Energy Confirmable Overlapping Target Tracking Based on Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks。Ad hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks,2016.1(32):131-148。(SCI)
3 Al-moalmi Ammar, Juan Luo* and Zhuo Tang, An Anti-Overload Model for OpenStack Based on an Effective Dynamic Migration,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information systems,2016, 10(9):4165-4187.(SCI)
4. Liu, Chang; Luo, Juan*; Song, Yanchao,Correlative pattern based data aggregation mechanism for WSN,JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS,2016,31(2):991-999。(SCI)
5. Juan Luo,Yaling Guo,Keqin Li,Wenfeng He ,Virtual Resource Allocation Based on Link Interference in Cayley Wireless Data Centers,IEEE Transactions on Computers,2015. (CCF A,SCI 3区)
6. Juan Luo,Jinyu Hu,Di Wu,Renfa Li,Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Relay Node Selection in Wireless Sensor Network, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2015, 11(1):112-121. (SCI 1区,ESI高被引)
2014级 刘畅(国防科技大学博士后)
2013级 胡瑾瑜(浙江大学博士后)
2018级 章翠君(南方基金)、钱倩(杭州有赞)、李欣宇(国家能源信息公司)
2017级 凡鑫(百度)、杨磊(浙商银行)、张笑笑(百度)、刘见宇(数字政通)
2016级 张振燕(华为)、曾琼钰(海康威视)、张松(天津大学读博)
2015级 钟涛(中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司)、尹习习(快手)、宋伟奇(北京数字政通科技股份有限公司)
2014级 杨倩(创金合信基金管理有限公司)、姚祥菊(深圳银彭云计算有限公司(好视通))、聂嘉威(湖南电信研究院)
2013级 何文凤(深圳市汇川技术股份有限公司)、金鑫(中国移动沧州分公司)、郭亚岭(远光软件股份有限公司)、刘宇(中兴软创科技股份有限公司)
2012级 贺赞贻(部队)、宋艳超(部队)、潘璆(广发银行)
2011级 查俊莉(阿里巴巴)、扶珊(湘潭移动)、吴峰(深圳华为)
2010级 周峰(江苏省移动)、汪攀武(深圳华为)、刘川川(郴州联通)
2009级 陈玲姿(长沙华为)、潘陈(博士,美国,俄克拉荷马大学)、陈磊(湖南科技大学)、肖仪(联发(深圳)软件设计有限公司)
2008级 陈雷(长沙中兴软创)、白玉栋(中国银行山西省分行)、顾传力(上海华为)、徐岳阳(长沙华为)
2007级 王颖(长沙中移工程公司)、罗正正(长沙中移电商)、卢真(长沙中移工程公司)
2006级 罗海波(闽江学院计算机科学系)、刘慧中(金鹰网)、刘德翔(广州亿程交通信息公司)、汪云飞(深圳中兴力维技术有限公司南京研发中心)、梁智(杭州华星创业通信技术股份有限公司)、黎天人(澳洲)
2005级 周超(广发银行科技部规划处)、吕磊(北京,创业)、宋琛(南京中兴)
2015级 Ammar Almoalmi(Ph.d)
2014级 Bassam Gumaida(Ph.d),Ester
2012级 Kyriakos Toumbas, AL-AZZAWI MAY KAMIL MAHDI