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Openings: We are looking for self-motivated students who are committed to research.

中文名: 靳文强 英文名:
学历: 博士 职称: 教授
联系电话: 电子邮件: wqjin@hnu.edu.cn
研究方向: 侧信道安全、硬件安全、数据安全、物联网安全
所属机构:  网络空间安全系  学院教师




1. 2022年全国大学生信息安全大赛作品赛二等奖,信安1901班姚昌伟 信安1901班刘欣怡 信安1901班马爽 信安1901班黎粤。

姚昌伟 毕业去向:Northeastern University   马爽 毕业去向:深圳计算科学研究院 研究助理

刘欣怡 毕业去向:北京航空航天大学 硕博连读  黎粤 毕业去向:湖南大学 硕士研究生

2. 2023年全国大学生信息安全大赛作品赛二等奖,乐弘、李雪、王昱杰、郭光沛


1. 许泽军,2021-2024,Ph.D.Student (导师:陈莹莹), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

2. 邓彬 2021-2024,华为技术有限公司

3. 黄晨宇,2021-2024,广东省电信公司


2024-11:One paper got accepted by NDSS(CCF-A).

MingledPie: A Cluster Mingling Approach for Mitigating Preference Profiling in CFL

2024-9:Patent:一种盲人室内行进避障导航方法 ZL202210444679.8

2024-09: One paper got accepted by MobiCom(CCF-A).

Bere: A Novel Video Recommender System for Virtual Reality Using Human Behavioral Signals

2024-08:One paper got accepted by ACM CCS(CCF-A).Congrats to Yue Li and Zhengxiong Yan

GPSBuster: Busting out Hidden GPS Trackers via MSoC Electromagnetic Radiations

2024-08:One paper got accepted by IEEE TOSN (CCF-B).Congrats to Zejun Xu

EM-Rhythm: An Authentication Method for Heterogeneous IoT Devices

2024-06: One paper got accepted by IEEE TMC (CCF-A). Congrats to Zejun Xu and Yu Liu.

TouchAccess: Unlock IoT Devices on Touching by Leveraging Human-induced EM Emanations

2024-05:One paper got accepted by Sigmod 2025 (CCF-A).

A Profit-Maximizing Data Marketplace with Differentially Private Federated Learning under Price Competition

2024-04: One paper got accepted by Usenix Security 2024 (CCF-A).

Eye of Sauron: Long-Range Hidden Spy Camera Detection and Positioning with Inbuilt Memory EM Radiation

2024-03:Serve as a TPC Chair for ACM TURC SIGSAC 2024.

2023-10: Serve as a PC for Petra 2024.


2023-08: One paper got accepted by ACSAC 2023.

Continuous Authentication Using Human-Induced Electric Potential,Srinivasan Murali, Wenqiang Jin, Vighnesh Sivaraman, Huadi Zhu, Tianxi Ji, Pan Li, Ming Li. 

2023-6:One paper got accepted by NDSS 2024 (CCF-A). Congrats to Huiling

Eavesdropping on Black-box Mobile Devices via Audio Amplifier's EMR, Huiling Chen,Wenqiang Jin*(通讯),Yupeng Hu*(共同通讯), Zhengyu Ning, Kenli Li, Zheng Qin, Mingxing Duan, Yong Xie, Daibo Liu, Ming Li.

2023-4: One paper got accepted by IEEE TIFS (CCF-A)

LtRFT: Mitigate the Low-Rate Data Plane DDoS Attack with Learning-To-Rank Enabled Flow Tables;Tang, Dan; Yan, Yudong; Gao, Chenjun; Liang, Wei; Jin, Wenqiang*(通讯)

2023-4: One paper got accepted by IEEE TSC (CCF-A)

GASF-IPP: Detection and Mitigation of LDoS Attack in SDN

Tang, Dan; Wang, Siyuan; Liu, Boru; Jin, Wenqiang; Zhang, Jiliang

2023-1:Patent:一种异构物联网设备的双因素认证方法 CN114760142A

2022-12:Serve as a PC for Petra 2023

2022-03: One paper got accepted by TMC (CCF-A)

Mingyan xiao, Wenqiang Jin, Chengkai Li, Ming Li "Eliciting Joint Truthful Answers and Profiles from Strategic Workers in Mobile Crowdsourcing Systems"

2021-12: One paper got accepted by Ubicomp/IMWUT 2022 (CCF-A)

EyeQoE: A Novel QoE Assessment Model for 360-degree Videos Using Ocular Behaviors

2021-11:  One paper got accepted by Ubicomp/IMWUT 2022 (CCF-A)

Wenqiang Jin*, Srinivasan Murali*, Youngtak Cho, Huadi Zhu, Tianhao Li, Rachael Thompson Panik, Anika Rimu, Shuchisnigdha Deb, Kari Edison Watkins, Xu Yuan, Ming Li, "CycleGuard: A Smartphone-based Assistive Tool for Cyclist Safety Using Acoustic Ranging".

*Equal contribution.

2021-09:  One paper got accepted by ACSAC 2021 (CCF-B)

Sherman S. M. Chow, Ming Li, Yongjun Zhao#, and Wenqiang Jin*. “Sipster: Settling IOU of Smart Meters Privately and Quickly”. 

#Corresponding author (theory), *Corresponding author (artifact) 


  1. 1.          Wenqiang Jin, Srinivasan Murali, Huadi Zhu, and Ming Li, “Periscope: A Keystroke Inference Attack Using Human Coupled Electromagnetic Emanations”,  ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCF-A, CCS’21).

  2. 2.      Wenqiang Jin, Mingyan Xiao, Linke Guo, Lei Yang, and Ming Li. "ULPT: A User-Centric Location Privacy Trading Framework for Mobile Crowd Sensing." IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF-A, TMC’21).

  3. 3.      Wenqiang Jin, Mingyan Xiao, Huadi Zhu, Shuchisnigdha Deb, Chen Kan, and Ming Li,   “Acoussist: An Acoustic Assisting Tool for People with Visual Impairments To Across Uncontrolled Streets”, ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (CCF-A, Ubicomp'21).

  4. 4.      Wenqiang Jin, Ming Li, Srinivasan Murali, and Linke Guo, “Harnessing the Ambient Radio Frequency Noise for Wearable Device Pairing”, ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCF-A, CCS ’20).

  5. 5.      Wenqiang Jin, Mingyan Xiao, Ming Li, and Linke Guo, "If You Do Not Care About It, Sell It: Trading Location Privacy in Mobile Crowd Sensing", IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (CCF-A, INFOCOM'19).

  6. 6.      Wenqiang Jin, Ming Li, Linke Guo, and Lei Yang, “DPDA: A Differentially Private Double Auction Scheme for Mobile Crowd Sensing”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS'18).

  7. 7.      Huadi Zhu, Wenqiang Jin, Mingyan Xiao, Srinivasan Murali, and Ming Li. "BlinKey: A Two-Factor User Authentication Method for Virtual Reality Devices." ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies  (CCF-A, Ubicomp'20).

  8. 8.      Lixing Yu, Ming Li, Wenqiang Jin, Yifan Guo, Qianlong Wang, Feng Yan, Pan Li, “STEP: A Spatio-Temporal Fine-Granular User Traffic Prediction System for Cellular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF-A,TMC’20).

  9. 9.      Lixing Yu, Wenqiang Jin, Ming Li, and Pan Li. "Exploring Spatial-Temporal Patterns From Individual User Cellular Traffic." IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN’19).

  10. 10.   Ben Hutchins, Anudeep Reddy, Wenqiang Jin, Michael Zhou, Ming Li, and Lei Yang, "Beat-PIN: A User Authentication Mechanism for Wearable Devices Through Secret Beats", ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS'18).


  1. 1. Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Awarded by University of Texas at Arlington.

    2. Student Travel Grant, ACM SOSR 2020.

  2. 3. Student Travel Grant, IEEE INFOCOM 2019.