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中文名: 段明星 英文名:
学历: 博士 职称: 教授
联系电话: 电子邮件: duanmingxing@hnu.edu.cn
研究方向: 高性能并行处理,大数据与人工智能安全
所属机构:  网络空间安全系  学院教师




(1) Duan, Mingxing and Jiao, Kailun and Yu, Siyang and Yang, Zhibang and Xiao, Bin and Li, KenliMC-Net: Realistic Sample Generation for Black-Box AttacksIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securityvol. 19, pp. 3008-3022, 2024 CCF A类期刊)

(2) Duan, Mingxing and Xiao, Guoqing and Li, Kenli and Xiao, BinA Black-Box Attack Algorithm Targeting Unlabeled Industrial AI Systems With Contrastive Learning," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 6325-6335, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TII.2023.3345472. (中科院1区)

(3) Duan, Mingxing and Qin, Yunchuan and Deng, Jiayan and Li, Kenli and Xiao, BinDual Attention Adversarial Attacks With Limited Perturbations," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2023.3274142(中科院1区)

(4) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Liao, Qing and Tian, QiDEF-Net: A face aging model by using different emotional learningsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technologyvol.32no.5pp.3012--30222021 (中科院1区)

(5) Duan, Mingxing and Ouyang, Aijia and Tan, Guanghua and Tian, QiAge estimation using aging/rejuvenation features with device-edge synergyIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technologyvol.31no.2pp.608--6202020 (中科院1区)

(6) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Liao, Xiangke and Li, KeqinA parallel multiclassification algorithm for big data using an extreme learning machineIEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systemsvol. 29, no. 6, pp. 2337-2351, 2017 (中科院1)

(7) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Li, KeqinAn ensemble CNN2ELM for age estimationIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securityvol.13no.3pp.758--7722017 (CCF A类期刊)

(8) Mingxing Duan, Kenli Li, Weinan Zhang, Jiarui Qin, and Bin Xiao. 2024. Attacking Click-through Rate Predictors via Generating Realistic Fake Samples. ACM Trans. Knowl. Discov. Data 18, 5, Article 110 (June 2024), 24 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3643685

(9) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Deng, Jiayan and Xiao, Bin and Tian, QiA novel multi-sample generation method for adversarial attacksACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)vol.18no.4pp.1--212022

(10) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Li, Keqin and Tian, QiA novel multi-task tensor correlation neural network for facial attribute predictionACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST)vol.12no.1pp.1--222020

(11) Mingxing, Duan and Li, Kenli and Xie, Lingxi and Tian, Qi and Xiao, BinTowards multiple black-boxes attack via adversarial example generation networkProceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimediapp.264--2722021 (CCF A类会议)

(12) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Ouyang, Aijia and Win, Khin Nandar and Li, Keqin and Tian, QiEGroupNet: A feature-enhanced network for age estimation with novel age group schemesACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)vol.16no.2pp.1--23,2020

(13) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Liao, Xiangke and Li, Keqin and Tian, QiFeatures-enhanced multi-attribute estimation with convolutional tensor correlation fusion networkACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM)vol.15no.3spp.1--232019

(14) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Li, KeqinInternet of Things and Deep LearningHandbook of Integration of Cloud Computing, Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of ThingsSpringer International Publishingpp.147--1632020

(15) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Yang, Canqun and Li, KeqinA hybrid deep learning CNN--ELM for age and gender classificationNeurocomputingvol.275,pp:448-461,2018

(16) Duan, Mingxing and Li, Kenli and Tang, Zhuo and Xiao, Guoqing and Li, KeqinSelection and replacement algorithms for memory performance improvement in sparkConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experiencevol.28no.8pp.2473--2486,2016

(17) Xiao, Xiong, Duan, Mingxing, Song, Yingjie, Tang, Zhuo and Yang, WenjingFake Node-Based Perception Poisoning Attacks against Federated Object Detection Learning in Mobile Computing Networks2024 61th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)accepted2024 CCF A类会议)

(18) Li, Zheng, Duan, Mingxing, Yu, Siyang, Yang, WenjingDynamicNet: Efficient Federated Learning for Mobile Edge Computing With Dynamic Privacy Budget and Aggregation Weights, in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TCE.2024.3372696.

(19) Yuan, LixiangDuan, MingxingXiao, GuoqingTang, ZhuoLi, KenliBM-FL: A Balanced Weight Strategy for Multi-Stage Federated Learning Against Multi-Client Data Skewing, in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 4486-4498, Sept. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2024.3372708. CCF A类期刊)

(20) Tian, ShiruiDuan, MingxingDeng, JiayanLuo, HuizhangHu, YikunMF-Net: A Multimodal Fusion Model for Fast Multi-Object Tracking," in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 73, no. 8, pp. 10948-10962, Aug. 2024, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2024.3375457.

(21) Li, Zheng and Duan, Mingxing, and Xiao, Bin and Yang, ShenghongA novel anomaly detection method for digital twin data using deconvolution operation with attention mechanismIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informaticsvol.19no.5pp.7278--72862022 (中科院1)

(22) Yu, Siyang; Duan, Mingxing; Wang, Kezhi; Yang, Shenghong, RUP-GAN: A Black-Box Attack Method for Social Intelligence Recommendation Systems Based on Adversarial Learning, Big Data Mining and Analytics, Accepted, 2024.中科院1

(23) Fang, Sen and Duan, Mingxingand Li, Kenli and Li, KeqinFacial makeup transfer with GAN for different aging facesJournal of Visual Communication and Image Representationvol.85pp.1034642022

(24) Dai, Xuelong, Yanjie Li, Duan, Mingxing, Xiao, Bin, Diffusion Models as Strong Adversaries, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,Accepted, 2024.CCF A类期刊)

(25) Hu, Qilin and Duan, Mingxing,and Yang, Zhibang and Yu, Siyang and Xiao, BinEfficient parallel secure outsourcing of modular exponentiation to cloud for IoT applicationsIEEE Internet of Things Journalvol.8no.16pp.12782--127912020 (中科院1)

(26) Chen, Guanyuan and Tan,Guanghua and Duan, Mingxing and Pu, Bin and Luo, Hongxia and Li, Shengli and Li, KenliMLMSeg: A multi-view learning model for ultrasound thyroid nodule segmentationComputers in Biology and Medicine2023

(27) Zhang, Xian and Xiao, Guoqing and Duan, Mingxing and Chen, Yuedan and Li, KenliPH-CF: A Phased Hybrid Algorithm for Accelerating Subgraph Matching based on CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous PlatformIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics2022 (中科院1)

(28) Xiao, Lin and Li, Kenli and Duan, MingxingComputing time-varying quadratic optimization with finite-time convergence and noise tolerance: A unified framework for zeroing neural networkIEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systemsvol.30no.11pp.3360--33692019

(29) Chen, Cen and Li, Kenli and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KeqinExtreme learning machine and its applications in big data processingBig data analytics for sensor-network collected intelligencepp.117--1502017

(30) Zeng, Zihao and Li, Kenli and Duan, Mingxing and Liu, Chubo and Liao, XiangkeK-Means Parallel Acceleration for Sparse Data Dimensions on Flink2019 IEEE 21st International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications; IEEE 17th International Conference on Smart City; IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (HPCC/SmartCity/DSS)pp.2053--20582019

(31) Win, Khin Nandar and Chen, Jianguo and Duan, Mingxing and Xiao, Guoqing and Li, Kenli and Fournier-Viger, Philippe and Li, KeqinA Decision Support System to Provide Criminal Pattern Based Suggestions to TravelersInternational Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systemspp.582--5872020

(32) Li, Yangfan and Chen, Cen and Duan, Mingxing and Zeng, Zeng and Li, KenliAttention-aware encoder--decoder neural networks for heterogeneous graphs of thingsIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informaticsvol.17no.4pp.2890--28982020 (中科院1)

(33) Ding, Yan and Liu, Chubo and Duan, Mingxing and Chang, Wanli and Li, Keqin and Li, KenliHAIMA: A Hybrid SRAM and DRAM Accelerator-in-Memory Architecture for Transformer2023 60th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)pp.1--62023 CCF A类会议)

(34) Pan, Rui and Liu, Chubo and Xiao, Guoqing and Duan, Mingxing and Li, Keqin and Li, KenliAn Algorithm and Architecture Co-design for Accelerating Smart Contracts in BlockchainProceedings of the 50th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecturepp.1--132023 CCF A类会议)

(35) Li, Di and Hu, Yikun and Xiao, Guoqing and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KenliAn active defense model based on situational awareness and firewallsConcurrency and Computation: Practice and Experiencevol.35no.6pp.1--12023

(36) Xiao, Guoqing and Yin, Chuanghui and Chen, Yuedan and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KenliGSpTC: High-Performance Sparse Tensor Contraction on CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Systems2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing \& Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science \& Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud \& Big Data Systems \& Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys)pp.380--3872022

(37) Yuan, Lixiang and Yu, Siyang and Yang, Zhibang and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KenliA data balancing approach based on generative adversarial networkFuture Generation Computer Systemsvol.141pp.768--7762023

(38) Zhang, Weisheng and Yang, Zhibang and Yang, Shenghong and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KenliSPsync: Lightweight multi-terminal big spatiotemporal data synchronization solutionFuture Generation Computer Systemsvol.141pp.106--1152023

(39) Wu, Xiangqiong and Tan, Guanghua and Pu, Bin and Duan, Mingxing and Cai, WenliDH-GAC: Deep hierarchical context fusion network with modified geodesic active contour for multiple neurofibromatosis segmentationNeural Computing and Applicationspp.1--162022

(40) Zhao, Lei and Li, Ningshu and Tan, Guanghua and Chen, Jianguo and Li, Shengli and Duan, MingxingThe End-to-end Fetal Head Circumference Detection and Estimation in Ultrasound ImagesIEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics2022

(41) Hu, Zeshan and Li, Kenli and Xiao, Lin and Wang, Yaonan and Duan, Mingxing and Li, KeqinAdams--Bashforth-Type Discrete-Time Zeroing Neural Networks Solving Time-Varying Complex Sylvester Equation With Enhanced RobustnessIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systemsvol.52no.5pp.3287--32982021 (中科院1)

(42) Ouyang, Aijia and Li, Kenli and Fei, Xiongwei and Zhou, Xu and Duan, MingxingA novel hybrid multi-objective population migration algorithmInternational Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligencevol.29no.01pp.15590012015

(43) Yujie XUE, Ruihui Li, FanWu, Zhuo Tang, Kenli Li, Duan Mingxing*Bi-SSC: Geometric-Semantic Bidirectional Fusion for Camera-based 3D Semantic Scene CompletionCVPR 2024 CCF A类会议)

(44) Eavesdropping on Black-box Mobile Devices via Audio Amplifier's EMR, Huiling Chen,Wenqiang Jin*(通讯)Yupeng Hu*(共同通讯), Zhengyu Ning, Kenli Li, Zheng Qin, Mingxing Duan, Yong Xie, Daibo Liu, Ming Li. NDSS CCF A类会议)

(45) 张显,肖国庆,段明星,陈玥丹,李肯立,APPQ-CNN: An Adaptive CNNs Inference Accelerator for Synergistically Exploiting Pruning and Quantization Based on FPGAIEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2024

(46) 肖国庆,尹闯辉,陈玥丹,段明星,李肯立,Efficient Utilization of Multi-Threading Parallelism on Heterogeneous Systems for Sparse Tensor ContractionIEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems2024 CCF A类会议)

(47)  印东, 罗辉章, Jeff Zhang, 段明星, 阳王东, 唐卓,李肯立zeroTT: A Two-Step State Transition Avoidance Scheme for MLC STT-RAM2024 61th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)accepted2024 CCF A类会议).

(48) Li, Di, Zhibang Yang, Siyang Yu, Mingxing Duan, and Shenghong Yang. 2024. "A Micro-Segmentation Method Based on VLAN-VxLAN Mapping Technology" Future Internet 16, no. 9: 320. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi16090320

(49) Liu, Shuangyu, Yu, Siyang, Li, Huang, Mingxing Duan, and Xiangke Liao. 2024. "A novel shilling attack on black-box recommendation systems for multiple targets" Neural Computing and Applications

(50) Weisheng Zhang, Zhang, Weisheng; Zhang, Jiapeng; Yu, Siyang; Duan, Mingxing; Li, Kenli. 2024. “A Cross-silo Vulnerability Federated Learning Approach based on Content Chunking” IEEE Internet of Things Journal. (中科院1区)

(51) Zhimao Gong, Zhibang Yang, Shenghong Yang, Siyang Yu, Kenli Li, Mingxing Duan. 2025. "Towards Accurate Truth Discovery with Privacy-Preserving over Crowdsourced Data Streams" IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2025 CCF A类期刊)





2)2023 ACM 新星奖(长沙);









