The Office of Students Ideological Education in our College was created in accordance the National Scientific Outlook on Development guidelines. We combine educational philosophy and university development planning, implement the CPC Central Committee No. 16 File school priorities, and emphasize a core of ideological education with the students overall development as the goal. Students career development is the main aim, advanced via a learning atmosphere where innovative training is a key focus. Practical activities are the vehicle to accomplish this main task of quality education. We have strengthened the students dormitory culture, stressed fundamental work, and rationally designed operations and working processes. Our College provides effective services for overall improvement of student quality and development of talent based in an ideological education which provides a full and well-rounded educational outcome.
- HNU Student Union
- HNU Graduate Student Union
- HNU Magazine Youth in Hunan University
- HNU Student Art Troupe
- HNU Student Clubs Introduction
The CSEE Student Society
Since its founding in the 1990s, the CSEE Student Society has existed to support students in their studies, as well as provide a community for technically-minded individuals.
The CSEE Student Society continues this tradition today by running numerous social events throughout the school year, as well as hosting workshops, talks by industry speakers, and development contests for budding programmers.
The Common Room
Located next to the Computing Science Administrative Office (CSAO) in the College of CSEE Building (CCB), the Common Room serves as a place for CS students to relax, study, and socialize. Nearby, you will also find a Coke machine serving the cheapest pop tea and coffee on campus, chairs, a long table, a free-to-use computer terminal, and an elevator for most offices.
If you want to get involved with the CSEE Student Society, this is the best place to start.
Coding Projects
Programming is a craft, and needs a lot of practice. Many CS students write their own software outside of class, be it apps, games, websites, or systems software. The CSEE Student Society holds many programming seminars at Room 542 - which are the time for students interested in more programming to come and meet others, form teams, and work on coding projects that interest them. Students can join existing teams, or form their own as they want. All teams have access to development equipment funded by The SIT Project.
CS students need Linux experience in our program of study as early as CS 04022. For students who grew up mainly with Windows software or mobile apps, the sudden jump to a hands-on development environment in Linux can be disorienting.
Millions of people use Linux everyday, and plenty of them aren't programmers. In the Linux tutorial, we show students the ins-and-outs of Linux: how to make it their everyday machine, and how to become a more proficient developer with it.
The CSEE Student Society recommends the following Linux distributions to our members:
· Linux Mint
· Ubuntu
-Chinese: http://cn.ubuntu.com/?_ga=1.247223108.1552739549.1471480059
-English: http://www.ubuntu.com/global
· Antergos
Many new CS students are unfamiliar with the concept of version control. Version control software allows one to save snapshots of their changes to code/documents. These snapshots form a history which allows a developer to moniter the evolution of a project. More importantly, it allows one to revert to any previous versions of their work.
Forget emailing code snippets to other team members.
If you plan to enter the industry as a programmer, you will use version control software. Currently, the most popular is Git (https://www.git-scm.com/ ). Github is widely used for online code hosting. There are also many opportunities for HNU CSEE students for free access to various online tools in the Github Education Pack (https://education.github.com/pack ).
The SIT (Student Innovation Training) Project
The SIT Project is a HNU initative designed to encourage and support students who wish to work on personal and/or group projects. Why would students want to do this? They get to apply the concepts and theories they learn in class to projects that they want and are passionate about. They are exposed to new languages, technology, and hardware. And, by adding projects to their resume, they can find a co-op or a new job after they graduate more quickly.
The initial idea of Student Innovation Training started in fall 2008 when the CSEE Student Society held a contest for winning team to purchase an assortment of dev kits and equipment. Working with the China National Ministry of Education, Hunan Province Office of Education, and Hunan Unviersity, College of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering hold CS related contests and workshops. After a year we had raised around 4500 yuan which the CSEE Student Society then doubled by using excess core funds supplied every term by the NHU Student Society.
With that money we purchased an assortment of development equipment that allowed students to work on embedded systems, VR, HCI, and distributed systems projects, all of which are aspects of HNU's Computer Science and Electronic Engineering academic branches.
Since then, we've raised additional funds through the support of the HNU Student Society, College of CSEE, the Faculty of Applied Science, and corporate sponsors like Bluedon. These funds have gone towards extending and improving our equipment library.
Academic Workshops
Social Communist Party School
Social Communist Youth League
Currently the CSEE Student Society supports students in two ways, through having five computer related clubs with corporate support, and having Practice Lab Hack Time events every year.
Student Clubs
-Kingsoft Club
-HNU Microsoft Tech Club
-HNU Baidu Club
-Lenovo Idea Elite Club
-IBM Tech Club
Practice Lab Hack Time
Hack Time provides a space for students to focus on creating personal/group projects and get help with programming from their peers. This activity happens in the summer after our first development equipment purchases. HNU CSEE instructors and interested students met to learn about the equipment and work on small projects.
At the end of each summer short semseter we hold a Hack Time Milestone event where students present their projects to other students and share their experiences, challenges, and what they learned. Financial sponsors are invited to this event to talk to and network with students.
We'll be running equipment-specific workshops to help support inexperienced students in becoming more self-sufficient.
The HNU CSEE held their hackathon during the summer semester. Each hackathon has a unique theme and set of restrictions, for instance, the first hackathon attendees were restricted to making a mobile app or game that had a theme.
We also support the student clubs hackathons by providing financial and/or other resource support be it volunteers, advertisement, etc.
Here are some Lab hours photos of CSEE students.